The Poisoning of American Blood

This from Richard Stengel, author, political analyst, and former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs in the Obama administration.

He’s right, of course.

What really matters, however, is that Trump’s base will never see this, and more to the point, would not agree with it even if they did.  When they hear Trump talk about “blood,” they read “white blood.”


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One comment on “The Poisoning of American Blood
  1. Scott McKie says:

    They are called Nazies.
    How long and how much is it going to take – for you to get this straight.

    Not calling them out for what they are – just gives them cover.

    You obviously have never been in either a Communist led riot or seen what real Nazi thoughts and beliefs can cause – have you.
    If you had — I’ll bet you would write more clearly as to what they are and what they bring with them.

    We’re getting too close to fence sitting on this.