Why Biden Gets No Respect

Political pundits everywhere are struggling to understand how it’s possible that Biden, given his administration’s admirable performance across a wide range of metrics, has such a lackluster approval rating.

The answer seems to be that facts don’t matter, or put in other words, people have an insatiable appetite for information that supports the ideas that they so desperately want to believe to be true.

We have entire “news” networks that feed off these people; there is an entire industry built around providing people support for beliefs that have no real basis in reality.

How bad is the crisis at the U.S. border?  How strong is the economy?  Is there any merit to scientists’ concern about climate change?  How should Americans be lining up around support for Ukraine?  It all depends on what you already believe.


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One comment on “Why Biden Gets No Respect
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Simple answer to this at the ballot box – “where it counts”.

    Just make sure that each Republican voter knows that when they go to vote — they will “receive as their gift for blind obedience to the “orange Jesus” — an indelible/ unremovable letter “A” stamped on their forehead — for all to see just what they are.

    You can guess what the “A” stands for – and its not “first in he class”.