U.S. GDP Growth

This from senior energy analyst Robert Rapier on the graph below:

GDP is one of the most important economic indicators. This measures the monetary value of all the stuff a country makes in a year. It is also used to determine recession (two consecutive quarters of GDP declines). It is not the only important indicator, but it is a big one, and it says the U.S. is outperforming other major developed economies.

In a related matter, Americans are more confident in the U.S. economy than they have been in two years.

I’m sure Biden and his advisors are wondering why they can’t get a break in the polls; maybe this is the news voters have been waiting for.



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One comment on “U.S. GDP Growth
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Somebody ought to take a look at:
    1.) what the areas ae that most people are groaning about;
    2.) compare the profit being made – not the margins – of those areas.

    I haven’t seen anything on this anywhere.