General John Kelly on Trump

The meme here has been passed around on social media for some time now.

Every time I come across it, I make a mental note of the word “flawed,” insofar as it seems unnecessarily mild.

What’s the matter with “depraved,” or “vile,” or “unprincipled?”

In any case, I wish more Americans could be exposed to General Kelly’s assessment of Trump.   If you’ll check out Kelly’s Wikipedia page, I’m sure you’ll agree that he couldn’t have gotten where he did without great acuity in his opinions of other people’s character.

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One comment on “General John Kelly on Trump
  1. Scott McKie says:

    The MAGA Trumper will not “go there” on a bet — because the “Orange Jesus” is a mirror image of what they see in a mirror — themselves.

    Remember the old movie title “…They Shoot Horses Don’t They…”
    Even though the movie was about “pity” — can’t do it.

    We have to let the court system cut out the head off of this snake.