Yes, Some Republicans Are Voting Against Trump

Re: Trump, the Lincoln Project writes:

Let the math do the talking:

49% of Republicans in Iowa.

44% of Republicans in New Hampshire.

Roughly 40% of Republicans in South Carolina.

All of them voted against Trump.

The guy who’s “unstoppable.” The guy who’s basically running as an incumbent. Between 40-50% of Republican primary voters – the absolute, most motivated core of the party – do not want Donald Trump as their nominee.

It’s true that a huge swath of GOP voters would like to see another nominee. But what happens if they don’t?  These are people like my mom, traditional conservatives, who, bless their hearts, have the capacity to see that Trump is a criminal sociopath.

But how will this translate at the polls? How many will abstain?  How many will vote for Biden?

It’s anyone’s guess.

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