The Plan to Destroy the American Economy

Most commenters on this meme here report that “it’s already in full swing.”

One might think that the appeal of this conspiracy theory would be limited to the completely uneducated, but that’s not true; an old college friend liked this post on social media.

If I were to consider accepting the idea, I’d first challenge it with what I read about the American economy: the growth in GDP, the job market, corporate earnings and thus the all-time records in the stock market.  I’d consider inflation numbers, and public spending that has already provided real value for the common American. 

In short, I’d want to examine the evidence.

It doesn’t appear that there is a plan to destroy the American economy. In the olden days, we used to evaluate the legitimacy of an argument’s premises before trying to draw conclusions.  Perhaps it’s our loss of our capacity to think rationally that’s been our undoing as a nation.

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