SEC Approved Weakened Climate Rule

According to the Wall Street Journal, after two years of fierce lobbying against the SEC, the regulator has approved a rule that forces listed companies to report their greenhouse gas emissions, and reveal the risks their operations face from climate change, e.g., floods, droughts, wildfires, etc.

In an earlier version, companies would have had to submit such reports pertaining to the entire length of their supply chains.

In any case, even the weakened version of the rule is expected to face immediate litigation.

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One comment on “SEC Approved Weakened Climate Rule
  1. Scott McKie says:

    I believe in capitalism to a point – but maybe you can explain – how is a company going to be able to get the information on it’s complete supply chain – especially if it multi-sources – let alone change anything in that chain.
    Or is this just a means of gathering “information”?

    There is a problem — but is this supposed to work?