Lots of Americans Love Trump

In response to the meme here, Shawn M. Phares writes: Especially since he’s a criminal, seditionist, who attacked his own capitol, showed top secret government to normal citizens, and committed espionage. And on top of that he’s a pathological liar, racist, and bigot.

Yes, and keep in mind that this is precisely what almost half of American voters are demanding.  Not only do MAGA Republicans not have a problem with any of this, they insist upon it.

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One comment on “Lots of Americans Love Trump
  1. Scott McKie says:

    There is one term missing: and it is Nazi.

    Use that for Trump and his followers: and the picture changes – because now they can be held responsible:

    There are laws in this country — against activities against the country.

    The problem we have: is that judges that have been shoved down our throats by Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party.

    So we have to change that — so that we get our courts back.

    IF we don’t do that first — “we” as a free country – are done.
    And talking about it — won’t get it.