Trump: “If I Don’t Get Elected, It’s Going to be a Bloodbath”

Energy/economy guru Robert Rapier writes:  That’s a guy terrified of losing the election and being held accountable in court. I have no doubt he’d cause that bloodbath if he thought it would save his skin.

Considering that Trump incited an insurrection last time he lost, can we expect anything different in November? Also, as Robert pointed out, the difference here is increased incentive: he’s bound for prison if he loses.



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One comment on “Trump: “If I Don’t Get Elected, It’s Going to be a Bloodbath”
  1. Scott McKie says:

    Why is it that this rabid dog and his followers — are being treated with kid gloves?

    They want to break this country!

    Two truths:
    1.) you don’t bring a knife to a gun fight – and:
    2.) you don’t let a rabid dog stay loose in a crowd.

    This dog has infected enough – and his followers don’t care anything about the truth of anything that dribbles out of it’s

    The followers have given up believing in “truth” – they just believe what they believe.
    One simple fix – any vote for Trump anywhere, or for his sycophants — doesn’t get counted.

    As for the “dog” – you take it out – by voting first and them through the courts.

    And a “heads-ups” needs to be given the MAGA Supreme Court members: because they wouldn’t be reading this.
    “If they make a decision against this country – we know who and where they are.
    Because they have tried to take away the foundation of this country: they will be held responsible and they will not be allowed to succeed.
    All of them will be replaced – much sooner than they think, and “by choice”- because they can’t hide for what they tried to do.

    The court system has bent over backwards for the Orange Jesus Striker – because the courts are made up of attorneys.
    It’s just a game of “win or lose” with them.
    They don’t give a rip about the country and the damage they are causing by their one-up games.

    If you read his aunt’s book about the Trump family – their all “money over everything”.

    It points out the reasons why “it” is what “it” is – but it also points out that both the financial crowd and the media bent over backwards — and they have gotten away totally free.

    Lots of blame to go around — and nobody is being held accountable.