Climate Science Is Easy, Doing Something About It Isn’t

I spend a decent amount of time trying to improve my understanding of particle physics and quantum mechanics.  The subject is difficult, but it’s important in our world today, and therefore I believe it’s worth some of my resources.

By contrast, the subject of climate science is a piece of cake.  The reason that Venus has a higher surface temperature than Mercury, even though the former is farther from the sun, is that it has an atmosphere that traps in heat that would otherwise be reradiated back into space.

Here on Earth, rising concentrations of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, are causing our planet’s temperature to increase.  Sure there are feedback loops that complicate all this to some degree, but the basic theory of anthropogenic global warming is something I could explain to an average 10-year-old.

Yet millions of people believe that our so-called “scientists” are driven by politics to create and defend theories that are not corroborated by actual evidence.

It just seem so unlikely to me that a few thousand people who have been studying Earth’s climate all their adult lives, and live at the very top of their field, are conspiring to fabricate lies.


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One comment on “Climate Science Is Easy, Doing Something About It Isn’t
  1. Scott McKie says:

    It’s the Republican /MAGA / Climate Change deniers / bottom feeders that are lying to themselves because they can’t admit that they are wrong.
    This is led by the Orange Jesus Striker.