Trumpism and Education Levels

There has been much discussion concerning the relationship between educational levels and political leanings.  There is no doubt, for instance, that one is more likely to encounter a Trump supporter running a hardware store in rural Mississippi than teaching cardiology in a university hospital in Massachusetts.

Let’s grant that there is a strong correlation here; after all, Trump says that he “loves the uneducated.” But is there causation?  Does education actively reduce the tendency to adopt Trumpist principles?

I’ll end this here and hope for a few comments that attempt to answer the matter.


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One comment on “Trumpism and Education Levels
  1. Scott McKie says:

    It depends totally on the individual – his or hers sense of truth / civility / ability to think and reason / and self-image.

    Lincoln didn’t have a formal education – but educated himself by reading / becoming one of the greatest Presidents the US has ever had.

    The Orange Jesus Striker had everything available to to him for education – did as little as possible / has no sense of truth / has no civility / doesn’t think – just reacts / and has a self-image that is not based on reality.

    He was also the most vile / worthless / criminal President the US has had to date.
    Lord help this country – if he is re-elected.
    I for one – will not stay in it.