EPA: Automakers Face Stricter Emissions Regulations, But Have More Time to Address the Issue

From the Wall Street Journal:

The Biden administration enacted the strictest-ever rules for tailpipe emissions but also handed the auto industry a significant concession by giving them more time to comply, a recognition that the transition to electric cars will take longer than hoped.

This conforms with the sense most of us have about the transition away gas and diesel in favor of electric transportation: it’s informed by a warm (but not red hot) consumer demand, as well as fierce resistance from the fossil fuel industry.

Speaking of demand, I saw a bumper sticker on an older Ford Mustang the other day that read, “This car is a hybrid.  It burns gas and rubber.” The rednecks of the world are using this opportunity to ridicule the suffering on the 8 billion citizens of Earth who are experiencing floods, droughts, loss of land mass, etc.



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