Education Versus Catastrophe

This is from early sci-fi author H. G. Wells, written just over a century ago.

If it was true then, we can only imagine its value today, a time in which conspiracy theories abound, and tens of millions of American voters believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that the 2020 presidential election was rigged against Donald Trump, and that climate change is a hoax, perpetrated so as to cripple the U.S. economy.

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One comment on “Education Versus Catastrophe
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You know what is so ridiculous about how Republicans getting their “shorts tied up up in a knot” over the national economy —
    the vast majority of them have no chance of ever being even a minor player — let alone “make an effect” on anything concerning “the economy”.

    This is because they consistently keep themselves at the bottom of the economy – mostly undereducated (by choice) / not even a “minor player” in the economy (by choice) / self-identifying and self-centered (by choice) — and trying to be made relevant, i.e., a part of it – by “bitching” – not acting.