Trusting Scientists Re: Climate Change

The answer to the question at left is that there is an entire industry that has formed over the last half century whose purpose is to sew doubt into the public mind regarding the validity of anthropogenic global warming.  In the absence of this doubt, the Earth’s citizens would be demanding a swift phase-out of the use of all fossil fuels, because the consequences of greenhouse gas emissions are so catastrophic (floods, droughts, wildfires, etc.) that the public consciousness would insist upon a change.

What we have now is a world (at least a country, the United States) in which the poorly educated believe what they’re told, i.e., where scientists can send a rocket into space and land it back on Earth on something the size of a table lamp, anything associated with the climate is “junk” science, designed to destroy the U.S. economy.

It’s pathetic, but it’s fantastically effective.

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One comment on “Trusting Scientists Re: Climate Change
  1. Scott McKie says:

    You can add another one to the list – and this is from the White House / US Government Agency contacted / every US University contacted / and every US located Commercial entity contacted:
    — all who refused to even consider making either funding or technical aid available to my POD MOD / “over-unity” / electric power supply project — which includes you Craig:

    By direction of EC President Ursula von der Yelen:
    The POD MOD Project has been asked to apply for full funding through the EC Horizon Europe Program – for start-up / manufacturing / and installation – in the EU – first.

    You can “hoist yourself on your own petard” on this one Craig – as far as being part of the the cause for no real Climate-Change action in the US.

    Finally – after putting up with decades of “trying to lead the US jack-ass to water to keep it from burning up from Climate Change — to find that the US Jack-ass won’t drink”:
    — it’s been worth all of the frustration to find someone with a brain without personal self-interest prejudice – that acted for the betterment of “this rock that we all live on” instead of sitting in his / hers / own self-righteous cocoon.