Tag: corporate role models

Here’s a video in which Bill Moyers talks about his friend Bernard Rapoport, business mogul, philanthropist, activist, and human rights advocate, who passed away last March.  I have a fond recollection of Rapoport as well; I did a presentation to …

Capitalism with a Conscience Read More »

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I began to write a private email to my colleague Stephan Williams who is helping out with our “Corporate Role Models” blog, when I realized there is really nothing private about it at all.  Here are notes on the industries …

Many Different Industries Should Be Interested in the Clean Energy "Corporate Role Models" Blog Read More »

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I just got off the phone with Stephan Williams, the guest blogger I wrote about a week or so back.  I’m thrilled to announce that Stephan’s going to be the driving force behind the “corporate role models” blog that I’ve …

Heralding Corporate Sustainability Initiatives Read More »

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Here’s an article noting that certain corporations talk out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to climate change. Isn’t that shocking? 🙂 Seriously, I hope I’ll soon be able to muster the resources to begin my “corporate …

How Corporations Deal with Global Climate Change — In Both Word and Deed Read More »

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It’s the birthday of the British novelist Kingsley Amis who wrote: “If you can’t annoy somebody, there is little point in writing.” I’m wondering how many of us read his novella Lucky Jim in our English classes when we were young; …

Corporate Role Models in Sustainability — Coming Soon Read More »

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Soon we’ll be getting started with a blog that I propose to call “Corporate Role Models,” in which we herald some of the good things corporate citizens are doing in lowering carbon footprint, and aiming at sustainability more generally. We’re …

Corporate Role Models — Focusing on Sustainability Read More »

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