Tag: renewable energy books

Pictured left is the westernmost bookstore in the United States; it happens to be in Hanapepe, Hawaii, on the island of Kauai, where I came to visit my mom.  What I (condescendingly) thought would have a few hundred pieces of …

Bookstore in the Middle of Nowhere Has Incredible Collection Read More »

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A friend noticed that I haven’t been on as many radio and TV shows as I was a few years ago and I admitted that I’ve been a bit more frugal with use of PR firms to promote my books …

Frugality in Promotion of Renewable Energy Books Read More »

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At last year’s 35th reunion of my college class, I accepted the job of the co-class secretary, meaning that I took on the responsibility of encouraging my classmates to submit entries for publication in the school newspaper.  Insofar as I …

Attempts at Humorous, Self-Deprecating Remarks on Renewable Energy Books Read More »

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A friend in the UK and I were just comparing notes on how hard it is to sell huge volumes of books.  While this is true, I pointed out that I don’t regret the enormous amount of time I’ve invested …

Renewable Energy Books Pose No Great Threat To J. K. Rowling or Stephen King Read More »

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