From Guest Blogger Derek Lotts: How to Choose the Perfect Solar System for Your Home

0272SOLAR-POWER-111315The situation with climate change, increased pollution and uncontrollable resource exploitation is getting out of hand, so more and more people are turning to renewable energy sources such as solar power. However, in order to get the most out of your solar power system, you need to choose the right kind, one that’s durable, effective and will provide your household with enough energy. Here’s what you should consider before and while choosing the perfect solar panel for your home.

Your home energy efficiency

Before choosing a solar system for your home, you should deal with the energy use in your household and consider becoming more energy efficient. You should be aware of your total energy usage and ways this number can be lowered. There are some easy ways you can improve your energy efficiency. For instance, you can have a professional or DIY home energy audit that will show you where you’re wasting energy and how to prevent that from happening in the future. You can also start using your appliances more efficiently or even switch to Energy Star appliances. Another great way to conserve energy is to replace your regular bulbs with much more efficient LEDs.

solar panels on the rooftops

An assessment of solar potential

Another thing you should do before investing in your own solar power system is to assess the potential solar energy that can be produced at your home. This depends on how much sun reaches your panels and the size of your system. There are several mapping tools and services that can determine your home’s solar potential, and some even offer advice on the size, costs and savings. However, even though these services and tools are useful, they don’t take all variables into account when assessing your solar potential. You also need to consider the presence of trees that create or will create shade in the future, the shape and age of your roof (old roofs might need renovation in the future which will increase costs), and your neighborhood regulations. The best way is to contact your potential solar panel installer who will give you the most accurate assessment, as well as the best information, recommendations and tips.



The quality of your panel will dictate the efficiency, costs and the size of your system. The main component you should pay attention to is the solar cell, since cells actually produce energy. Cell efficiency is the amount of solar energy that gets converted into electricity and the quality of that electricity. When looking for your perfect system, always choose one with the most efficiency.

The finishing qualities such as cell color, the weight of the panel and the system and the shape of the frame should also be taken into account. Cells should be dark to absorb more sun and heavy enough not to be blown away by the wind. In order to get the best panel for the given price, make sure to ask the dealers about all of this and all other information concerning their panels, so you can successfully compare their properties and choose the best one for your household.


Since your panels will be in the open, exposed to all sorts of elements, they will eventually break. However, after you’ve invested a substantial sum of your money into the solar system and installation, you should get your money’s worth. Usually, a 5kw solar system includes a 20-25-year solar panel warranty and requires minimal maintenance on your side. In case something goes wrong and your system stops functioning properly or you notice reduced efficiency, your solar panel provider should cover repairs and replacements if you’re covered by a warranty.

solar panels in the field on a cloudy day

So, if you want to go green and invest in solar energy, now is the time. Today, solar technology is cleaner, more reliable, more efficient and affordable than ever before, and it’s high time we helped our aching planet.

Derek Lotts is a regular contributor at Smooth Decorator and writes about décor, gardening, recycling, ecology and everything related to home improvement. He thinks all of these topics fall under the self-improvement category. He believes in the power of sharing ideas and communicating via the Internet to achieve betterment.

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One comment on “From Guest Blogger Derek Lotts: How to Choose the Perfect Solar System for Your Home
  1. Indeed, it is important to choose the perfect solar system for home. The quality and durability are the most important factors. I think solar system is cleaner than other energy, so it is beneficial to protect environment.