GE’s Energy Financial Services — A Company that “Gets It”

GE’s Energy Financial Services — A Company that “Gets It”

I drove to San Francisco and back yesterday for a series of meetings – almost 600 miles round trip. One of the highlights was a meeting in downtown with Dr. Ricardo Angel, Senior VP of Venture Capital for GE’s Energy Financial Services. Dr. Angel is interested in a few of the projects that I represent, but he’s asked me not to divulge the specifics.

Having said that, I think it’s lame to write even a short post like this with no detail at all, so I’ll mention that the rate for parking in his (admittedly fabulous) building is $3.00 for each 15 minutes. Ouch.

I can also leave you with this: GE is, without a doubt, a company that sees that the world actually is going green, and wants to make a buck or two from the process. These guys don’t miss much when it comes to betting on new technologies that have the potential to scale well.

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