Might It Become “Cool” to be Green?

PhotobucketFrequent commenter John Sullivan writes:

… Heck, a few engineers I know who would happily allow the label “denier” be applied have purchased hybrids. The ability to store otherwise wasted energy is COOL to them. I compare that to all modern technology crazes. For example, do iPads really fill a gap or meet a higher level human need, or are they just the next level of cool, enabling technology? Imagine how far we can go with that mindset.

John:  You are 100% correct, IMO, and I cover this exact point whenever I’m asked to speak on the EV Adoption Curve. What happens when “green” becomes cool? It’s not inconceivable that, in a very short period of time, we could have a society in which it’s no longer cool to ruin the environment, and in which the people who don’t get the message are regarded as we currently do people who wear mink coats, i.e., as pariahs, as so many Cruella DeVille’s.

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