Green Initiatives Under Attack

It’s hard to believe that respect for our natural environment can be such a bone of contention, but, as reported here, certain sectors of the population fiercely attack green initiatives at every turn. It seems unthinkable to me.



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One comment on “Green Initiatives Under Attack
  1. Frank Eggers says:

    The Tea Party is top heavy with reactionaries who act as if they would like to take the U.S back from 2012 to 1912, or perhaps 1812. But let’s make one thing crystal clear: The Tea Party is NOT conservative; it is reactionary.

    Because the article is rather vague as to specifically which proposals the Tea Party doesn’t like, one cannot address specifics. However, in a highly populated world, what one group of people does affects other groups of people. Therefore, we cannot always do exactly what we might like to do since that could adversely impact others. Thus, we have rules of the road to make driving safer; we have rules restricting smoking to protect non-smokers from being forced to breathe smoke; etc. etc. Similarly, we have to have laws to protect our environment to prevent adversely affecting the lives of others.

    It certainly appears as though the Tea Party is basically selfish and cares nothing about others. No doubt Ayn Rand would be proud of them.