From Guest Blogger Joshua Okomo: The Pillars of Renewable Energy Development

The responsible states, the responsible investors and the responsible citizens are the three pillars for renewable energy development all over the world. The responsible state creates a conducive investment climate for renewable energy enterprise and investors returns, in which citizens invest anticipating good returns. The nations with good investment climate maximize numerical capital growth and quicker formation of renewable energy corporations.

Global warming is a challenge to which investment in renewable energy is socially and economically a solution.  Government is the greater endeavor, a nation state is a magnanimous cornucopia for growth of clean energy deployment. Clean energy is nourishment for clean industrialization and cheap domestic and industrial energy necessary for human development. Nations where governance has been good, citizens have good welfare, they have adequate affordable clean energy that guarantees their future sustainable health, clean beautiful environment and they will have greater grand children.

Let’s look at what government of United States of America has done as a government quintessential for clean energy development.

The Congress of United States of America has a political responsibility with respect to the promotion of clean energy development. Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2010 restating the United States’ commitment to not stray from adherence to international clean energy legal requirements. Stephen Chu, the US Secretary of Energy in 2009 ensured that the federal state remains completely committed to collaboration to mitigate global climate change.

The US Chamber of Commerce created the Innovation, Development and Empowerment Alliance (IDEA). The IDEA was formed by companies to lobby for favorable patent laws. Congress prior to the UNFCCC Copenhagen Conference, that reiterated the adherence of United States to the provisions of the TRIPS agreement, three bills were passed by the House of representatives and one Senate bill, ensuring that the US complied with international clean energy development policy. Forty two US Senators signed a letter advocating for intellectual property protection.

Clean energy development is business of responsible men and women, who take political, professional, moral and leadership responsibility as President, Minister, Legislator and those high voltage people in government , intergovernmental organizations, industry, research institutions, civil society and the responsible citizens. Governments that take serious international agreements, have political responsibility in promoting industry and investment, govern responsible citizens are those to succeed in clean energy development, like the United States of America.

Joshua Okomo is Proprietor Environment Stores & Logistics

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