From Guest Blogger Adrian Humpreys: Are Your Premises Electrically Efficient?

In hard times every business is paying particular attention to their bottom line. Tasks and processes are streamlined at every corner and all outgoing bills must be reduced to ensure that a business can still turn a profit. A key aspect of monitoring the bottom line for any commercial business is efficient use of utilities.

Residential electricity bills have soared in recent years and commercial premises are not exempt from the rise. There are several things one can do to reduce electrical usage and subsequent bills by monitoring working habits and developing smart work practises. The time to start is now…

Do you really need to use it?

A quick way to monitor electrical usage is to double check whether or not an electrical appliance really needs to be used. In simple terms, is it necessary to print a document (and therefore use a printer), or can it be emailed to a computer that is already on and in use? Can several jobs be completed with one tool or by one person, to avoid multiple uses? Do you need to boil a full kettle on your coffee break, or will water enough for one cup suffice for the time being?

On a larger scale, for the whole business, rather than an individual member of staff, consider the implications of existing practises. Do your commercial premises need to be lit after hours? In the case of some shops and restaurants, bright, colourful and sometimes large signs are an important part of advertising. However, small shops and offices have little to no need for this, making such lighting an incredible waste of electricity. Switch to low energy lighting solutions, or simply turn off lights that you are no longer using. The dual effect of reducing your usage and lowering your carbon footprint can only serve you well in the future, particularly for larger companies whose carbon emissions may be strictly monitored.

Work smart

Use team meetings or gatherings to discuss ways to improve productivity and streamline processes. Handy tips and ideas from the workforce can sometimes produce excellent ideas that no one has thought of before. Why not do this in one brief meeting, during which each team member of your office, restaurant or shop gathers in one place? Not only is this a great team building exercise, but it is a chance to turn off computers, monitors, tools and equipment (therefore reducing electrical usage) while still completing necessary work.

Make some changes

Though there are undeniably upfront expenses to hiring an electrical contractor to make some changes for you, the benefits will quickly pay for themselves, so long as the changes you make are tailored specifically to the needs of your business. A qualified electrical contractor with plenty of planning experience can work with you to devise a plan that meets the needs of your business and the premises you work from.

With a view to reducing usage, plan and implement highly efficient, electrical installations of excellent quality. Be sure to include every aspect of your business within your plan and your tailor made electrical installation will cover as many aspects as possible. It can include features like dimmer switches, automatic lights, standby modes for computers, tools and equipment. A well-constructed and strategic plan can also include low energy network settings in offices, new and more efficient kitchen equipment in restaurants and reduced light signs in shops.Talk to an electrical installations company today and see what changes you can make for the better, and start saving money on your electricity bills.

Author Bio

For more than 25 years, Archers Electrical Contractors have been providing tailored, energy efficient electrical installation solutions for a diverse range of commercial and industrial clients throughout the UK.

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