From Guest Blogger Rebekkah Filmore: Living Green and Saving Green

The world is our oyster. We’ve shucked it, eaten it, piled the shells as high as they’ll go and are about to start an avalanche. We simply have to make some changes in our consumption of the earth’s resources and our “give me another one” attitude if we want to leave anything for future generations. Fortunately, this can be done relatively easily AND  save us money while we do it! Below are a few easy ways to help reduce our footprint on the earth, while saving a few dollars along the way.

Lights, Please!
Sure, we all need light in our homes to get through the day-to-day. After all, we’re not cavemen. But do we have to light up the neighbor’s house too? Replace all your big bulbs with smaller fluorescent bulbs. Use bulbs just big enough to light the particular area you’re placing it in. When not in that closet or room or pantry, turn the light off. Turning off lights when not in use is an easy first step to living green. Lighting in your home is not just affected by the size of bulbs you use. The curtains you place over the windows, the color of paint you choose, the trees and other large structures around your home all contribute to lighting or a lack of it. Keep this in mind and control the things you can to open up spaces and utilize any available natural light source.

Appliances and Electronics
The television in the spare bedrooms are turned off. You’re not using the 1500 watt space heater fireplace in the living room. Great, unplug them! Yes, appliances even as small as your toaster, coffee pot, can opener and of course the larger aforementioned all draw some current, even when not in use. Unplug them until needed and you’re saving money little by little.

What the Water Gave You
Water might be pricey, but it also affords many opportunities for savings. Wash your clothes in cold water, rather than hot. Do full loads of laundry and dishes. Wet your hands, turn the water off, soap up and scrub, turn the water on and rinse. Don’t let the water run needlessly while you are doing something else. The same principle applies when brushing teeth. How about using that dish or bath water to water your plants? They won’t mind and it’ll save you money!

Set and Forget
Set your thermostat on an energy-saving 78 degrees and leave it. This will keep your home comfortable year round and the units will only have to run to maintain a constant temperature. Turning the thermostat up and down everyday causes the unit to have to constantly play catch up, costing money and using extra energy.

Gas? I’ll Pass
We all know the footprint we’re leaving with our automobiles and that the price of gas or diesel is ridiculous. Start by turning off your car while waiting in lines or picking up friends and family. Carpooling is a great way to save money and reduce your carbon imprint. Take the bus or other form of public transportation. If you really want to save money, reduce the footprint and get healthy – ride a bike!

We are all here for just a short time considering the big picture, but we can all help leave the earth like we found it, and save money for the time being with just a few easy changes. After awhile, the change will be everyday! Start living green and you’ll see what I mean 🙂

Rebekkah Filmore writes about personal finance and green solutions for stay at home moms. She recently earned a master of arts in teaching online and is planning to become a full-time Environmental Science teacher!

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