From Guest Blogger Alia: Integration of Irregular Green Energy Sources

The growing concern for environment and greenhouse gases from the number of conventional energy production options has put forth the need to find a competent alternative. Fortunately you have a number of renewable or green energy sources, which can easily produce energy to run the wheels of life. These include solar, wind, hydro, biomass, tidal generation that are operated in a number of ways as compared to the traditional fossil fuel based technologies. If you look at the alternatives that comes in the form of green energy production sources, these have their own constraints, hence despite being in the topic of any discussion nothing really seems to be coming up in a big way. However, of late with the discussions of integration of the irregular Green Energy sources there seems to be some ray of hope for the people who really concern for the environment. Consequently, with the successful integration of green energy sources the concerns for energy security and climate change can be easily addressed. Now, let’s dig deep into this issue of integration of irregular green energy sources in the following paragraphs:

Integration of irregular green energy

The rapid growth and development of green energy technologies and their bigger deployment in the coming future brings in both the opportunities and challenges regarding integrating them all. The energy systems are required to address the demands for a wide range of services including commerce, household, transportation, etc. The energy systems simply include the energy supply sector and certain end use technology to render the above mentioned energy services. If you look at the developed nations, the electricity supply system is generally composed of big size power units, which are usually fossil fuel bases, having a central control with widely distributed areas. If these are embedded together in the distribution networks, they are bound to come closer to the customers.

Locating the green energy sources is called as distributed generation, which comprises of a number of modular and small electricity generation units that are located very close to the consumption place. However, in conventional energy production options, these demerits are never found. Hence owing to these factors the integration of regular green energy sources becomes very much challenging.

Challenges in the way of regular green energy sources integration

Though integrating the green energy sources can be beneficial in many ways but it seems to come up with several challenges. In the power domain the utilities are seen with limited experience of interconnecting a number of small scale generation units to a number of distribution networks along with the all the possible level of green energy sources integration mainly depends upon the current electrical infrastructure. Owing to the difficulty found in the precisely predicting the electrical output, which some of the green technologies are able to produce in a specific time period, it has brought forth some additional kind of challenges for the system operators.

For instance, in order to produce the power from a big size offshore wind farm economically you need a sufficient amount of electricity grid capacity out there. Also, the next challenge is to ensure the security to the system producing the green energy, which demands additional creative approach. This is important because you need to address the uncertainties, for example, they are supposed to buy additional serves or ancillary services simply to enhance the forecasting tools or simply invest in the new cross border capacity.

The benefits of regular green energy sources integration

The green energy sources though could have certain challenges managing the same, but these have greater amount of benefits as well.The green energy sources are seen with a very less amount of impact over the environment as compared to the conventional method of producing energy that gives out pollutants like greenhouse gases adding climate change. By gaining the access of the fossils fuels can usually need either drilling or mining inside the earth, which usually happens in the ecologically sensitive locations. The green energy sources employ only the energy sources, which are readily available all across the globe both in the remote and rural areas, including the ones that have no accessibility to electricity. Integrating the green energy technologies have simply slashed down the cost of energy production cost.  Hence even if you integrate the different type of green technologies the cost still remains low especially when you compare it with the options of coal, gas, oil and other conventional means of producing energy.

Final word

As per the experts, if the movement for green technology integration moves on then the world would see certain transformation in a big way. Together these green energies can really can turn the table and address the environment and other issues coming due to conventional production options.

This Post is written by Alia. She is a writer/blogger. She writes articles on Technology, social media, wordpress, Gamification, responsive design and software development etc. These days she contributes on

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