Issues with Fracking

I was just telling frequent commenter Tim Kingston that I’m not sure how much I want to cover the dangers of fracking.  There’s plenty of material on this subject — more every day, and I’m not sure I can add too much value here.  I DO, however, want to make it clear that the concept of natural gas fracking  as a gateway to clean energy is spurious for two independent reasons:

1) It’s not at all clean.  Fracking requires an enormous amount of energy and water, and the problems of “fugitive emissions” balance out any environmental benefit that gas may offer vs. other fossil fuels — as discussed in depth here by legendary environmentalist Joe Romm.  As we’re learning, there are numerous other issues associated with geology and geochemistry that are becoming more clear every day.

2) The presence of cheap natural gas deters, rather than hastens, the formation of capital necessary to the development of renewable energy.

I’ll close with this:   if you think these people involved in this industry are telling you the truth, you’re in for a rude shock.  I couldn’t resist linking to this segment from Stephen Colbert, who, as usual, tells a story of passion and guts in an incredibly entertaining way.  Enjoy.

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