From Guest Blogger Steve Richards: Nine Reasons Australians Should Move to Solar Power Today

Whether you want to reduce your carbon footprint after hearing about Earth overshoot day or you’re scrambling for ways to save money after looking at your latest utility bill, solar panels offer a solution. Not only can you help the planet and preserve it for future generations, but the savings you see over time will make your bank account happy, too.

1. For the Environment

Of course, many homeowners who go solar do so because they’re worried about their impact on the environment. Energy made from fossil fuel and other non-sustainable sources harms the environment by contributing to smog, carbon dioxide levels and global warming. Oil drilling harms the planet, too, and it’s a dangerous job. Solar energy uses a sustainable source that doesn’t damage the ozone, giving it more time to repair itself and slowing global warming.

2. For Credits

Australia’s government provides citizens and businesses rebates when they convert to solar power. This is part of the country’s move to change 20% of power to renewable energy. The rebate comes in the form of Small Technology Certificates, which you can turn in for an upfront discount on a solar energy system purchase or trade in for cash back at a later date.

3. For Tax Breaks

Australian businesses can earn up to $6,500 in tax breaks when they add solar panels to power their facilities. Like any other business expenditure, solar systems can be written off on taxes. Up to $6,5000 worth of assets can be tax write-offs this year.

4. For Savings Over Time

When consumers invest in solar panels to power part or all of their homes or place of business, they’ll depend less on energy companies. Considering the rate at which companies raise rates, you can’t complain about this aspect of solar energy especially if you like to crank the heat during winter or leave the air conditioning on all day during the hot summer months. Aside from savings on your electric bill, this may result in a profit from the government. This occurs if a solar electricity system pumps more energy back into the grid than the building using. Rates vary state by state.

5. To Help a Growing Industry

While sustainable energy in Australia is growing, it has a long way to go. Consumers who invest in alternative energy are helping manufacturers of solar panels. As the industry grows, more Australians will be able to work for companies that manufacturer photovoltaic cells and the systems to set them up. Furthermore, you can help shed light on how easy it is to switch to solar energy. Many trend setters install solar panels on their businesses because they want to be ahead of the curve. If you personally believe in the companies and the industry as a whole, making the switch shows your support. As the public accepts solar power, you can look forward to new innovations that may even make tomorrow’s solar technology more efficient.

6. Solar Energy is Evergreen

Although the industry will continue to grow and technology might develop more efficient ways to harness electricity from the sun’s rays, the solar panels that you install today will continue to work for years, providing energy to your home or business. Many systems last for twenty years, and some solar energy setups have lasted for four decades! In fact, you can boast if your roof is the only one on the block with solar panels.

7. To Protect the Value of Your Home

Solar panels mounted on a roof can protect the roof from wear and tear. You’re likely not looking forward to climbing up on your roof or calling a contractor to do so because you’ve got a leak or your old shingles are falling off. Plus, installing solar panels can increase the value of your home, so if you intend to sell in the future, this is one investment that will pay off.

8. To Improve Health

If you suffer from asthma, you’ll like this entry on the list. Power plants contribute to asthma cases thanks to the air pollution that these facilities emit. If you live in a congested area where smog is a problem, you may have developed asthma or your condition may have worsened. When more Australian businesses and restaurants move to alternative energy like solar or wind power, air pollution will decrease. Your health improves and so can the health of your children.

9. To Gain Energy Independence

As long as Australian companies rely on fossil-fuel based energy, they have to rely on other countries. This leads to political tension and sucks money right out of a local economy into another country’s economy. Australia won’t have to rely on foreign countries when it’s able to reduce its dependence on oil, and solar energy will help toward that goal.

Steve Richards works for Perth and Brisbane based Infinite Energy. Why not reach out to Steve on Google+ today.

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