Caring About Our Environment Is Not a "Leftist" Position

Caring About Our Environment Is Not a "Leftist" PositionI wrote a piece earlier in which I lamented that the producers of PBS’s “This Old House” (which I love) will not even mention that better efficiency in the way houses are built, insulated, heated and cooled might have a beneficial effect on the environment.  They talk about “lowering the homeowner’s utility bills,” dozens of times in the course of a season, but they are extremely careful not to utter a syllable about any possible interest anyone could have about doing the right thing environmentally.  This would be especially easy for them since, in every single case, it’s a win-win; the homeowner reduces his costs AND consumes less fossil fuel.  It takes vigilance on their part to avoid this point, but they do it literally every time.

A reader comments: My take on this issue is that popular media outlets (like PBS) just don’t want to rock the boat on real environmental issues. They think they should stay “above the fray” politically, much like discussing religion or politics at private parties.

Thanks for your viewpoint, but I don’t buy it.  PBS hosts Bill Moyers’ show, and he’s further to the left than Leon Trotsky (pictured).  Most of PBS’s prime-time programming, e.g., NOVA, is perfectly proud to make the point that our civilization is in the process of wiping itself out.  Oh well; enough on this.




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