Unexpected Good News on Human Rights

Unexpected Good News on Human RightsWow, the Catholic Church is going through some turmoil.  It’s an example of the fact that things one never thought possible are commonplace today.

Here’s confirmation that the highest-ranking U.S. cardinal has been demoted over his unwillingness to bend to accommodate Pope Francis’s broadminded view on homosexuality.

Obviously, it’s wonderful to see such a large institution changing so fast and so radically in the direction of humanistic values, and, to that point, the new pope is certainly a godsend (pun intended).  But one has to wonder how someone with views that are so fiercely opposed by so many members of the church’s hierarchy, and that run so directly against virtually every social issue the church has stood for over the last 1600 years could ever have gotten into this position.

In any case, he certainly has my respect and admiration.





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