More on Solar PV Market Research

More on Solar PV Market ResearchThe folks with the front-lawn-mounted solar PV device described here are not sanguine with my suggestion that they should begin with market research.  They respond: We have a target market ready to buy our product and able to buy our product. As in any great commercial breakthrough, the target market is unaware of what it needs until it is given what it needs.

Well, if I were trying to answer the market demand question, I would walk around a sample neighborhood with a clipboard and my cell phone, asking permission to survey people.  To those who assented, I would show a shortened version of your video, and then ask:

  • What do you like best about the concept?
  • Do you see any drawbacks?
  • Would you pay $15K for this?
  • Why?  (Why not?)

If you do that as few as 20 times, you’ll learn an inestimable amount about the receptivity of the market.

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