So Much To Love About Electric Bikes

So Much To Love About Electric BikesA friend writes: electric bikes are becoming amazing; check this out.

Needless to say, I’m thrilled to see all this attention flowing into the e-bike space, as there are so many good things it accomplishes simultaneously.  Not only does it reduce car and light-truck VMT (vehicle miles traveled), but it gets a ton of people out there bicycling who wouldn’t have considered it before.  They’re staying in better shape and enjoying their lives; there’s a lot to be said for that.

I might have told you about my colleague Brian Nordwall and his incredible store “Seattle E-Bikes.”  Actually, calling it a “store” is selling it short; it’s a destination.  People come from all over the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia just to visit the showroom, speak with the salespeople, and learn about the state of the art in this arena.  The dude spends several months each year in Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands, keeping his finger firmly on the pulse of the world’s latest design concepts.  (He’s trying to expand, btw, which is why I present him on my page of clean energy investment opportunities.)

And here’s a novel idea: using a sexy girl to market a product….no, scratch that, that’s not novel at all…..
 photo Girl-On-The-Beach-With-Bike-Lake-Michigan_zpschqg6xwy.jpg

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