For Those Who Hate Big Government….

For Those Who Hate Big Government….Lots of Americans want a smaller government, based on the notion that the public sector is bloated and corrupt. I get that. But our government runs like a Swiss watch compared to the one described here.



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One comment on “For Those Who Hate Big Government….
  1. Cameron Atwood says:

    Some people persist in the notion that market forces and faith-based charity will soon solve our nation’s problems, if only left to their own devices. This belief endures despite our own nation’s history of clear evidence to the contrary in the form of child labor, pharmaceuticals known to be deadly, massive unpunished fraud in the financial sector, and debtor’s prisons – as well as the open slavery over which we brutally mangled each other.

    So many of the problems people see in our government are the direct result of the influence of forces who want to subvert our government away from the core principles for which it was instituted – “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity…”

    Good government is the only hope that We the People have to defend our Public Commons and advance our Common Good. Good government won’t come from people who hate government.
    Want improvement? Ban bribery, in all its many ‘legitimized’ forms, from revolving door to campaign contribution. That’s the most important and central issue that controls all others.

    Corporations have proven they they can’t be relied upon to hold any regard for life or ethics, and such entities should therefore be strictly regulated, and utterly prevented from exercising influence upon what should be our people’s government through bribery in any form.

    Of course, they must also be required to limit and internalize all of their costs of production, and to provide a sustainable, legitimate, and tangible net contribution to the national economies in which they operate.

    Further, they must be barred from gouging the population for the crucial necessities of life. Let profit be made only on those things we can choose whether we consume or not.

    Greed must be shackled, harnessed, and directed, before it will work for the greater good of nations. As long as cash reigns as king, we’ll more and more be slaves to the most vicious greed and craven cowardice imaginable.