From a Guest Blogger: Seven Energy-Efficient Tips for your Home this Winter

Seven Energy-Efficient Tips for your Home this WinterThe time when most homes’ energy bills tend to sky rocket is during the winter. Heating is certainly needed during those cold winter months. People are also usually forced to spend more time inside when frost bite and hypothermia are real dangers. However, if you use certain strategies, you can bring your winter energy costs down.

1. 68 Degrees Is the Perfect Winter Room Temperature

One good cost saving tip is to keep your thermostat set at 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Simply turning down your heat two degrees from 70 can save a whopping 10 percent on your monthly heating bill.

2. Replace Furnace Filters Once a Year

The filters in your furnace need to be replaced on an annual basis. After a year, they can get dirty and clog airflow. This in turn can greatly increase your energy use in exchange for no benefit during the winter.

3. Install a New Heating and Ventilation System

According to Bishop Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, older HVAC systems can have very energy inefficient designs that inflate energy bills. If you have a very old system and want to increase your energy efficiency, especially during the winter, consider your options.

4. Alter the Settings on Your Water Heater

If your water heater is set at 120 degrees Fahrenheit instead of higher, it can save you over 10 percent of the expense used to heat your water.

5. Seal up Windows

One problem that can certainly inflate your energy bills is a leak around a window. It can suck the warm air right out of your house. Look for leaks and use a little caulk to fill them up.

6. Unplug Appliances when Not In Use

Although you spend a lot of time inside during the winter, you probably won’t always be using your TV, video game system and more. These things use some electricity whenever they are plugged in. Pull out the cords when you’re not using them.

7. Use LED Christmas Lights

Old Christmas lights that use incandescent bulbs with tungsten filaments use a lot of electricity and burn out fast. Instead, choose more energy efficient LED Christmas lights. You’ll slash your holiday electricity costs significantly. You also won’t have to replace bulbs as often either.

Energy bills tend to be very high during the winter. However, you can slash some of that expense by using strategies to conserve energy in your home. Use the tips above to help you save money on bills and make your home greener at the same time.

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