Climate Change Deniers Employ Questionable Data Analytic Techniques and Logic

Climate Change Deniers Employ Questionable Data Analytic Techniques and LogicHere’s an article about climate change denial that shows how many different pieces of faulty logic, seven in this specific example, can come together in one report, and generate incorrect conclusions.

For those wishing to see a solid video discussion on climate change and its deniers, you can’t do any better than this piece from Veritasium (“an element of truth”).

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2 comments on “Climate Change Deniers Employ Questionable Data Analytic Techniques and Logic
  1. Breath on the Wind says:

    I like the format and quality of everything I have seen on the site. The arguments are not new for someone who has been following the dialogue.

    Unfortunately, it is just too easy for someone to simply say, “I don’t believe you.” As a way of shutting down all further discussion. Yes, it comes from a mind that is saying “I have already made up my mind, don’t bother me with the facts,” but it begs the question of how to hold a dialogue with someone playing by a different set of assumptions and methods. Common ground can be very hard to find.

  2. Lawrence Coomber says:

    This is another article in the same vein as millions drifting through cyberspace. I generally refer to them as “all care and heart” but “taking us all nowhere” articles. They totally lack any clout that might inspire solutions thinking debate.

    Articles like this have been very important in the past though – but we have by now (or should have) all moved on to stage two of the debate which is all about SOLUTIONS rather than a rehash of the PROBLEM.

    The science is in. Its factual. We have extraordinary global problems to solve by new age technological sciences and research and development. That’s it. Move on.

    Mobilise corporate “world”; confront the fossil fuels generation issues head on; and step up to the plate. And please SOLUTIONS only debate is the new order of the day commentators, we have moved beyond the initial debating points about greenhouse gas, which I repeat is a real phenomenon.

    Lawrence Coomber