From Guest Blogger Christopher Austin: Green Décor Is More than Just Using Energy Efficient Bulbs

Green Décor Is More than Just Using Energy Efficient BulbsIf you are the kind of person who actually cares about the planet then a green decor will be your choice for everything. When you move to a new house, you will keep this is mind when choosing the proper décor items. Also, if you think it is time to make some changes in the current décor of your house, think green again.

The results will be amazing and you will live in an eco-friendly environment with your family. However, a green décor is much more than just using energy efficient bulbs. It is an important part of your lifestyle. It can be achieved through a wide variety of choices and combinations. Even an eco-friendly baby mattress can be part of it. Think out of the box and amazing new opportunities will find their place in your life. Let’s see more tips and tricks for creating a green look of the house.

Use Recycled Items

Who says you are only allowed to use new items when decorating your house? If you are a DIY type of person or someone who simply loves everything that is vintage you can use recycled items as well. Just imagine having those small accessories made of recycled glass there to perfectly match the overall décor of the house. You can even choose a recycled glass jug as a doorstop or as a simple item on the porch. Everything is allowed. Leave your green imagination go wild and you will achieve amazing results.

Repurposed Fabric Items

Have you ever been to a house where recycling seemed to be the main activity? Did you like what you saw? Then you may also like having items made of repurposed fabrics in your green home as well. How about an amazing metal bench made in India? It will immediately add eclectic flair to your favorite indoor space. Most important, it is green and easy to purchase for a decent price!

Bring Portugal into Your Kitchen

The kitchen is a very important space in the house. We have fun cooking there and enjoy dinners with friends. What do you have in your personal cooking space? Everything you have will be perfectly matched by a farmstead stoneware serving bowl to use on various occasions. You can find amazing such items made in Portugal out of scrap materials with no impact on the environment. This is just another way in which you can bring green principles into the house.

Green Thinking

When you are a parent interested in common good and proper lifestyles you will also want the best for your children. How about using an eco-friendly baby mattress in the house to ensure proper health andrest for your kid? You have a wide variety of offers available online and in special home stores that sell everything that is green for the home environment. Always think one step ahead. This will soon become the lifestyle of the planet. Why not be among the first ones to embrace eco-friendly principles? It can only bring good things into your life.

Pottery Barn Principles

If you like having a lot of small and interesting objects in the house, purchasing them from pottery barn can be a great option. Now you can discover all sorts of new ideas browsing through available offers from these places. They keep it green and ensure perfect purchases to match your eco-friendly principles. Even if we are talking about the home décor, this does not mean that it has nothing to do with the environment. Choose nice objects to match the style of your home and ensure a healthy living environment.

The Bottom Line

You can easily find now wide offers of lively furniture items, new table collections and mirrors as well as everything related to bedding. You can choose everything to be eco-friendly for a major overall effect both in terms of design and health. Choosing a good baby mattress that comes with no side effects for your kid or the environment is an important first step. Continue by choosing other green items for the house as well and step by step, everything surrounding you will become part of your perfect lifestyle.

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