From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Office Renovations–Five Ways to Become More Energy Efficient

Office Renovations--Five Ways to Become More Energy EfficientCreating an energy efficient office environment can be difficult, but it’s becoming increasingly important to implement energy saving measures. By following a few simple tips, any office can curb its energy usage. These tips can substantially lower monthly energy expenditures, which means they’re good for the bank account and for the environment.

Time for a New HVAC System

In office environments, the heating and cooling systems are used year round. They account for a large portion of any office’s monthly energy bills. If your office HVAC system hasn’t been updated in years, it may be time to look into new systems. Because of technological advancements, new systems are vastly more energy efficient than their older counterparts. While purchasing a new system may seem like a hefty expenditure, it will cost less to run and maintain, making it a wise investment in the long run. Ask an HVAC professional about the efficiency of your current model, and research whether a new HVAC system would be beneficial.

Lighting Solutions

When choosing lighting for your building, purchase LED bulbs. These energy efficient bulbs last much longer than other bulbs, and they don’t cause unwanted heat buildup. Installing LED bulbs in your lighting fixtures is sure to lower your energy bills.

Replace the Motor

Most office HVAC systems are run by a motor. If the motor in your office hasn’t been replaced lately, consider purchasing a new one. New motors are more energy efficient and function better than older models. Buying a new one can improve the functionality of your HVAC system and help you save on energy.

Leak Investigation

One of the best ways to keep a building energy efficient is by ensuring it’s appropriately insulated. If you suspect leakage in your office building, consider having it investigated by professionals. There are many reasons for leak investigation, from recent weather damage to leaky roofs. A professional leak service will perform a thorough assessment using moisture scanners, infrared imaging, and more. Making sure that your building is physically fit and properly insulated is a key component of energy efficiency.

Solar Energy

If your office uses a large amount of energy, consider investing in solar power. By generating your own power, you can lessen energy expenditures.

If you manage an office building, it’s important to implement energy saving measures whenever you can. Consider HVAC upgrades, professional leak investigations, and lighting solutions. You can lower your monthly energy costs while limiting your environmental footprint.

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