The Cost-Effectiveness of Clean Energy Is Constantly Improving: And That’s Important News in Today’s Horrific Political Climate

Cost-Effectiveness of Clean Energy Is Constantly ImprovingHere’s more evidence of an extremely important phenomenon on the world energy stage: the continued fall in the cost of solar electricity.

Environmentalists continue to wring their hands as people like Rex Tillerson, Scott Pruitt, and Rick Perry are nominated to super-important positions in the newly forming U.S. Cabinet.  But there’s a saving grace here: appointing hit-men to positions so they can kill all environmental regulation and turn the planet into a cesspool does not grant them the power to prevent fossil fuels from becoming obsolete–and this is precisely what’s happening, as the cost-effectiveness of solar, wind, energy storage, electric transportation and efficiency solutions continues to improve with each passing day.

No force on Earth will compel the market to choose a dirty and expensive solution over a clean and cheap one.

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