Optimism in the Face of Environmental Pressures

Optimism in the Face of Environmental PressuresA young reader notes:  (Through my religion), I now see hope for this planet where I had not seen any before.  I was in fear that I would see the end of the planet during my lifetime.  Now I see the possibility to bring peace and life back where there is only blackness. 

That’s very interesting, and I’m sincerely glad you’re optimistic about the future.  In all honesty, I have to admit that I’m actually less so, given that I’m an environmentalist and thus I view the health of the planet largely through that lens. 

Needless to say, the U.S. elections last month had a profoundly negative effect on the potential for humankind to survive the environmental damage it’s so busily and irresponsibly creating which will cause enormous levels of suffering.  Barring a miracle, we will have an incoming federal government that is completely fine with the idea of wiping out the entirety of the progress that had been made in the direction of environmental stewardship over the past half-century.

And unfortunately, though the U.S. represents less than 5% of the world’s population, we have an enormous effect on decision making in all parts of the globe.  The prevalent viewpoint now is, “OK, so the leaders of the world don’t care about climate change, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, and the hugely toxic effects of fossil fuels.  Why should we?”

And btw, this won’t mean “the end of the planet.” First of all, the planet itself was here 4.5 billion years before we showed up, and will go on just fine in our absence. (This, btw, is the scientific viewpoint on geology and anthropology; I understand that it’s not held by some religions.) Secondly, even in the worst case scenario, there will be pockets of humans (the wealthiest) who will survive, and, in all likelihood, actually live very well.

Having said all this, I’m not quitting, and it’s quite obvious that you’re not either.  Good for you. Let’s persevere and do what we can to, in your beautiful words, “bring peace and life back where there is only blackness.”  I really like that.   Please stay in touch.

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2 comments on “Optimism in the Face of Environmental Pressures
  1. Breath on the Wind says:

    That is a surprisingly sensual quote from the mystic-poet. In this way, I sometimes wonder at the mysteries and diversity of this world.

    There is lots of “good news” out there, but just now it is not so easy to find it from a top down perspective. When the leadership-leaves of the world disappoints we can still look to see if the roots are healthy.

    Here is a long but rewarding article about renewable Energy in Costa Rica that some might recall has come up in the comments here as one of the countries that have not used fossil fuels for their energy supply for many months at a time: http://grist.org/food/costa-rica-modernized-without-wrecking-the-environment-heres-how/

    We always wonder what kind of renewable energy would be available in cold climates with little bio-mass or sun. This article speaks to the growing interest in geothermal energy: https://solarthermalmagazine.com/2016/12/17/replacing-fossil-fuels-clean-geothermal-energy/ The article is not written in a very friendly manner but there is a lot of information there. I take strong issue with the one sentence third paragraph.

    The roll out of the Bolt vehicle is proceeding. It will be interesting to see how the Tesla model 3 compares. Perhaps the competition between the two will require advertising, and the discussion will tend to promote both vehicles and electric cars in general: http://prensariotiretail.com/2016/12/17/gm-delivers-first-batch-of-bolt-evs-in-teslas-backyard.html

    And just when you thought all big money was aligned against those working for a better planet this story reminds us that not everyone with a disposable income operates only using some Cro-Magnon instinct. Some have a very modern brain, social foresight and altruistic intentions: https://solarthermalmagazine.com/2016/12/15/billionaires-form-clean-energy-fund-great-ideas/

  2. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Young reader your optimism is entirely justified, and there has never been a better time in our human history to be a young person.

    Make the most of your circumstances and the opportunities that come you way.

    Above all remember that optimism in all things is infectious and enabling. The alternative is not an option worth contemplating.

    All the best as you grow and go forth.