Singing Out

Singing Out FWIW, I’m aware that my anti-Trump rhetoric generates animosity on the part of some people—both from his dwindling support base and from my many friends whom I’d describe as “people of peace,” who must cringe when I make such strident comments.  But, as I wrote elsewhere: Those who take umbrage to Trump’s actions but remain silent are no different than the German people of the 1930s who went about their business with their heads down, trying to stay out of trouble, while their neighbors were being stuffed into boxcars and carted off.

Am I aware that this may make me less desirable as a consultant to those with right-wing views?  Yes.  Does that outweigh my convictions?  Nope.

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30 comments on “Singing Out
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    Here in Albuquerque, NM, there is a march scheduled to the airport. I plan to be in it. It will be the first time in more than 30 years that I’ve been in a demonstration, but incarcerating people and sending them back to from where they came when they have green cards and have lived for years in the U.S. is an intolerable injustice.

    I am hoping that this extreme action of Trump, especially since he is ignoring court orders, is an impeachable offense and will cause him to be thrown out of office. The Republicans in Congress who approve of his behavior should be recalled if possible and if not, voted out of office at the next election.

    • craigshields says:

      Wow, Frank, good for you!

      I doubt that this particular action is an impeachable offense, but I DO believe that the case against him is building rapidly, and that this will come to a head fairly soon. Not everyone agrees, of course, and I’ve been known to be wrong, albeit infrequently. 🙂

      • Breath on the Wind says:

        Craig the problem is not so simple for Trump. When Trump approached Rudy Giuliani he asked him to make the Muslim ban “legal.” This is evidence of intent. The request to “fast track Christian refuges again shows bias. While such a bias is contrary to the first amendment, the proper remedy in each of these cases may be to simply ban the ban. This has now been done to some extent by up to 5 injunctions around the country some of which suggest class action law suits.

        However then the DHS was approach they refused to follow the court orders. These are some of the same unions that supported Trump during the election process. If it could be shown that the DHS was ordered to not abide by court rulings this is a complete breakdown of our system of the rule of law. If orders can be traced back to the President then the remedy is impeachment.

        However there would have to be some compelling politics for a Republican congress to impeach a Republican President. … and who would we be left with in that event.

        But it seems that as soon as you get a bunch of “winners” (Republicans in this case) together in one room they start fighting among themselves. The Koch brothers have now come out and condemned Trump’s “Muslim Ban.” Smoke and mirrors or a fracturing? It is early to tell.

        • craigshields says:

          The interesting aspect of the Koch Brothers is that they are not without scruples. Sure, they’re trying their damndest to further enrich themselves at the expense ruining the planet, and disseminating enormous amounts of disinformation to law-makers and the U.S. citizenry alike to make that happen. That’s a not a great start, I’ll be the first to admit. But apparently they really don’t want to win this game by degrading our country into a fascist dictatorship that has abandoned all the ideals that once made it the greatest nation on Earth. Does that indicate a tiny thread of moral fiber? Or maybe they feel they need some level of sanity and stability at the helm to pull off their mission. Who knows?

          If there were such inconsistencies in my thinking, people would call me “crazy.” If I were worth $80 billion like the Kochs are, they would describe me as “eccentric.”

  2. Frank R. Eggers says:


    Failure to obey court orders may be an impeachable offense, and that is what he is doing. However, my three credits in commercial law is insufficient for me to know.

    One cannot know for certain what will happen, but he seems to be completely out of control, perhaps suffering from a lithium deficiency. He seems to have many of the symptoms of hypomania; I’ve seen what that does to behavior. My guess is that the probability that he will not be in office at the end of his term is > 50%. Andrew Jackson got away with ignoring the courts, but that was some time before 1850. Actually, Trump does somewhat remind me of Jackson; probably others have noticed a resemblance too. Let us hope that there is more respect for the courts now.

    • marcopolo says:


      I’m afraid talk of ‘impeachment’ is far fetched. Unlike Jackson, President Trump has shown no inclination to override or ignore the courts.

      It’s not an offense to defend government policies before the courts, or every President would have been impeached.

      While I agree with you that the implementation of his new immigration policy has been handled with a lack of preparation and sensitivity, this policy was an election pledge .

      I find such policies distressing and vexing on a number of levels, especially since they seem contrary to all the principles that guided migrant nations for the last 200 years.

      However, we live in new times and very changing circumstances. There are strong arguments to suggest that old policies may no longer be applicable, and new policies, however unpleasant, may be necessary to cope with changing circumstances.

      By all means demonstrate, but I’m not sure that you will accomplish anything but increase the determination of the administration and it’s supporters.

      The administration simply can’t back down, or even greatly mitigate the core policies that got it elected. The President must maintain an image of resolve and strength.

      There’s an old saying ” the strength of warrior is measured by the strength of his foes”, that was the maxim of Trump’s role model, Theodore Roosevelt.

      Trump, and his advisors will have anticipated large scale demonstrations and will rely on this opposition to rally middle America to his agenda.

  3. marcopolo says:


    It’s distressing that such a monumental change in policy was so poorly planned and executed with such ineptitude.

    What is not generally reported is although mistakes were made, many legitimate travelers (more than 90) were processed, granted waivers and released within hours.

    The question must be asked, is it the policy itself creating the outcry, or the lack of sensitive and careful implementation?

    It could always have be expected that such a policy would attract at lot of opposition and emotive responses. The administration should provided more time for the various agencies to develop proper procedures to implement the new policy with more subtlety and sensitivity.

    That may not have been possible for fear that even the knowledge of such an action would have created panic and a flood of migrants seeking to get in before the door closed.

    While the new policy seems lacking in sensitivity and even practical value, it should be remembered that all the terrorists responsible for the carnage of the World Trade Centre entered the US legally. The extremist Muslim Boston Bombers were both only in America because their families had been granted asylum.

    Hopefully, this may prove a learning experience for the new administration in consequences of issue orders without careful preparation and detailed planning of how those orders are to be executed.

    • Frank R. Eggers says:


      Apparently you think that the demonstrations occurring all over the U.S. and in some foreign countries too are the result of millions of people’s failing to understand that Trump is one of our most fair-minded presidents ever. It is obvious that you are filtering out information which would conflict with your beliefs.

      It should be inescapably clear that Trump is an egomaniac. He has actually attacked the media for reporting that far fewer people attended his inauguration than Obama’s inaugurations. A more rational response would be to ignore those reports. He has made excuses for the fact that Mrs. Clinton received more votes than he did. His name is on all his buildings in extra extra big letters. He attacks any people who disagree with him and sometimes even threatens to sue them. He has even stated that he will bring back torture unless it is found to be unconstitutional. He ignores the statements of interrogation experts that torture does not work. He also ignores the fact that torture is uncivilized and has negative consequences. It is appalling that you apparently condone such behavior.

      I don’t expect the administration to back down. However, I expect resistance to its destructive policies to increase. And, because of Trump’s instability, impulsiveness, inability to tolerate disagreement, king-size ego, and proclivity to attack anyone who disagrees with him, he will continue to lose support. Probably ways will be found to impeach him, including conflicts of interests resulting from his failure to divest himself of assets which clearly do lead to conflicts of interests. However, it may not be necessary to impeach him. His frustrated ego may become so great that he can no longer function either resulting in a mental breakdown or a resignation.

      Even if Trump’s directive regarding travel to the U.S. only deficiency were a lack of sensitivity or adequate planning, that alone is a very serious fault. A person who shows such lack of sensitivity or planning is not qualified to be president. Very careful planning and sensitivity are essential for anyone in that position and no one who lacks those qualities is qualified to be president.

      Trump has shown little inclination or ability to learn from his mistakes. As mental health professionals know, the best prediction for future behavior is based on past behavior. The time for hoping has long sense passed. Perhaps this is the result of a lithium deficiency.

      It may be that you don’t believe much of what you write and are entertaining yourself by making posts to see what the reaction is.

  4. marcopolo says:


    Firstly let me commend you on your passion and willingness to take part in what you consider your civic duty.

    I can’t think whatever gave you the impression I think ” President Trump is one of the most fair-minded presidents ever” !

    I’m not a Trump supporter, and were I an American he wouldn’t have got my vote.

    However, having said that, I also recognize the reality of his Presidency. It’s pointless to simply rant about his mental condition etc, or fantasize about his removal.

    In fact, after careful observation such irrational opposition only seems to strengthen his support.

    His administration should be judged by only two criteria, the effectiveness of achieving it’s stated aims, and political aptitude to survive failures.

    That doesn’t mean I agree with his aims or methods, but political reality is political reality ! Any hope of defeating Trump will not be achieved without a realistic understanding of his support.

    Opposition in the form of wildly inaccurate, unsustainable, claims will not damage the administration, it may even strengthen it’s support.

    I sympathize with your indignation and outrage, but effective opposition must be built from a solid base of calm, rational, verifiable, reality.

    President Trump didn’t “censor’ scientists. He simply followed the standard practice of all incoming administrations. Likewise, no evidence exists the administration will illegally defy the courts.

    It’s debatable whether a delay in implementing the new border policies the delay could have created greater chaos. in the end, it’s his decision and certainly doesn’t disqualify him holding office.

    All these things are within the remit of the President, and not grounds for impeachment.

    I think demonstrating on the basis of wishful thinking is pointless. However, as Craig stated, demonstrating to express your opposition against policies you abhor, at least absolves you of any moral responsibility for the consequences of those policies.

    I certainly support your right to peaceful protest.

  5. Breath on the Wind says:

    If you can dare to withstand a little wider view of the facts surrounding this present executive order, and how a past administration and even congressional law is involved, here is a little more sad information:

  6. Silent Running says:

    @ Breath On wind

    Enjoyed the clips and Jimmy Dore piece- There is so much more below the Tip of the Icebergs .

    Between the CIA , Military Industrial Congressional Complex and Devious Homeland Security collective actions is it any wonder a large part of the World has not declared all out War on the USA.

    Our acts and crimes against many innocent peoples of the world are too numerous to cite and on going efforts to shape the affairs of so many other nation states Does more lasting harm than good. HONEST MILITARY OFFICERS i HAVE MET ALONG THE WAY SHARE SAD TALES OF WHAT WE HAVE BEEN DOING AND THEY DONT LIKE BEING PART OF IT. ASHAMED OF WHAT WE HAVE BEGUN TO DO.
    As Jimmy states honestly We IN SOME CASES are the Big Terrorist nation and Tragically a large majority of our natives have No clue, and many more do have some clue but they are shameless and one can hear them chanting USA USA at major events like some religious cult chant!

    But though the previous Administration played the worn out game and carried the water or allowed the water to be carried under wrappings

    their bad policy does not give the new Administration the Rights to put into place more repressive measures etc. No wiggle room or excuses for the Trumpsters . their agenda is too be more Brazen and open about harsh tactics in this so called War of terror!!!

    9 / 11 was a Waterloo marker Event for the USA and we have not recovered our way it seems . We are winding up into a reactionary nation and fueling a global Backlash or blow back to our interests with our Orwellian tactics.

    Good info. Sad truths as you say. Thanks Breath

    Good On you Frank for marching in Albq. Your convictions are strong and you are on the right side of History. Many many people feel the trumpster or the Trumpet will over reach in many areas adn it could lead to his Implosion….many GOP people no really like him he is their Toy and he serves a useful purpose as he can be the smoke screen for their hidden agenda of destroying whats left of the middle class and burying the lower economic classes into deeper poverty as we venture into Lord and Serf nation.

    so trumpet is the smoke screen for that program they may get rid of him once he has served their hidden agendas interest perhaps.

    I foresee more and more public events all over the country so be good and keep those Good Values you espouse Sir.

    Scared, Bitter, confused , mis-informed and malinformed and racists as well as sexists , and of course the Wanna Get Rich Groupies helped get him elected so it will take time for some of that support to unwind as many of them are not bad just confused and trumpet is such well the Ultimate CON Man – as they used to say a confidence man!
    During my travels to the middle Rio Grande Valley and border last week I watched a public protest meeting on the Border near Laredo. They ended their gathering with 5 large trumpet Pinata’s full of lil rocks and chards of glass no candy.

    Well to the Beat of heavy Folk music singing and Ballads and Mexican Horns I was able to sneak in and catch one of the legs about 4 feet long from the Trumpet Pinata as the Men with the Bats broke them . I kept it and brought it home it for a souvenir.

    The children had gathered to get the usual candy from the Pinatas but the parents had tables with the real treats. people ran onto the chards and glass bits and a great Tribal like stomping went on for close to 30 minutes and cheering was going on.

    Some of the Pinatas w the face of the trumpster were piled into a barbecue pit and burned to the Glee of the crowds.

    So there is a Resistance movement gathering and growing in many places. This week ends events and confusion will just motivate more folks to RESIST!

    Had some fun may pour several large bags of pistachios nuts into trumpet’s right leg or let the next door dog chew on it.

    Give our Mexican comrades their due they do know how o have a good time .

    • marcopolo says:


      Do you ever consider in your revelry, that millions of Americans watching on TV are angry by the lack of respect shown to their President and only harden in opposition ?

      The administration needs such displays a proof that Mexico is not to be trusted, and the corrupt Mexican government is complicit in violating US border security.

      Trump can defect the threat of ” Avocado’s becoming more expensive” by simply reminding American that this will give American farmers a chance to grow Avocado at more competitive prices, helping the US economy and creating jobs.

      Who will crumble first, the US or Mexico with millions of unsold, now worthless crops ? What will your Mexican ‘comrades’ do when the Mexican economy collapses because their government wouldn’t take part in preventing illegal migration ?

      They’ll turn on all those migrants from Central and South America.

      The US trade imbalance with Mexico is $58 billion, that’s right, each year the US loses $59 billion to Mexico. US exports to Mexico amounted to $236 billion mostly at the expense of US employment.

      The Mexican government could protect it’s valuable trade with the US, and keep American investment. All the Mexican government needs to do is co-operate in preventing illegal migration. If Mexico shut down the illegal migrants, Trump would have no grounds for complaint.

  7. marcopolo says:


    Congratulations on posting the Jimmy Dore commentary.

    It’s important that these facts be known to earnest demonstrators like Frank and Craig, to save them from being in the embarrassing position of have the charge of “selective opposition” being proved.

    You post also validates my concern that making ill-considered allegations, which later turn out inaccurate and exaggerated, only damages the credibility of Trump’s opposition, and provides ammunition for the administration to portray all opposition as unreliable and lack credibility.

    Continuously claiming,”If Obama does it, it’s okay, but if Trump does it, it’s evil “, is a gift to the administration.

    When Frank is protesting, how does he explain to a skeptical doubter who asks, “But why didn’t you protest against Obama” ?

    The fact that the Executive order contains a 90 day codicil is an important fact conveniently overlooked by Trump’s opposition.

    Breath, let me be the first to applaud your integrity in posting this information.

  8. Breath on the Wind says:

    There is plenty of blame to go around.

    Jimmy Dore seems to be borrowing the emphasis on blaming Obama from his source Seth J. Frantzman and the article that can be found here ( ) But at 8:40 in the video the “law” upon which this is based, is not, as is stressed, an “Obama policy” but a law passed by congress. You can find it here: (see div “O” title II)

    It is a complex affair with lots of different legislation bundled together. If Obama wanted any of it he would have to sign all of it.

    It could still be that the recommendations came from the executive branch for these provisions but it was part of legislation and not an executive order. At this point it is not clear if Obama wanted this provision or opposed it but signed the legislation to keep the government funded.

    Ultimately, blame is the sensational aspect of this policy that seems contrary to what many consider US “values.” Perhaps more important is the history of a policy which should be changed.

  9. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco

    Don’t make too much of deflection game comparing what Obama did in this ongoing mis managed so called war on terror. Another scam by MICC for $$$$$ and control of people. ( military Industrial Congressional complex)
    It is Pale in comparison to what the racist motivated trumpster is doing by long measure. Deflection and Distortion, Denial , Dishonest are Hallmarks of those who opposed and limited Mr Obama in attempting to correct for mis managed and gasoline on the fire foreign policies began under Bush the Lessor and his predecessors.

    I realize that selective amnesia is popular as are Alternative facts now! HA much of the Amnesia was race based!

    I myself found some good in Jimmy what ever s lil video and I thanked Breath. But I don’t get carried away with it either.

    As for the ongoing distortion campaign against Mr Obama – he continued the deportation of crimminals that began under Bush. The number that floats around is 2 million. Many of these were more than justified though some Latino activists groups are in denial in this matter. He got rid of many criminals but a few slip thru the cracks. And we let them re enter like a revolving door though the statistics for last 6 years or so show a large Official Decline in Border crossings. But a certain CON man claimed otherwise and many of his GOP brethren who make $$$ off trade counter his folly claims about walls and such.
    but the right wing lives and thrives in Denial so alternative Facts are presented for the Minions to lap up like dogs or pigs at the trough and Lap it up they do !

    But the whitish righties would never ever accept that Mr Obama actually did more in this area than any of these loud mouthed nativists ever did. Part of that Cognitive Dissonance disease that is contagious in our politics and culture.

    last but not least Mate Marco – what may seem like Revelry to you
    concerning my disposition towards the TRUMPET.

    Sir I am just reporting – oh yeah I enjoyed myself in the town square just as I w enjoy some time in future as I deposit something in this trump leg from the broken Pinata. Just have not figured out what junk I w place in it or how can I milk it for more laughs.

    We may use as a Centerpiece at Parties and Gatherings in future perhaps. Trump themed mockery parties and gatherings will grow into a popular social game soon.

    But the most laughable moment came at the Town Square protest when the trump like head came off the Pinata and it rolled around and then the children at rally all played soccer ball with it and kicked it around everyone screaming in Delight and Joy! then it got better when the head rolled off into the line of policemen and sheriffs .

    They laughed and kicked it around some too before kicking it back into the town Square. There were four trump heads rolling around it was hilarious a real winter evening Treat! Trumpet panders to police but many of the frontline officers dont care for him either. He is personna non grata !

    so Marco I forgot to share this last night. Now you know what goes on over here its everywhere .

    Business Trade groups not liberals or latinos are gathering through out Texas to protest bad trade impacts from trumpets flailing not justified border wall and policies – more trump follies! The International business community no approve of his follies!!!
    There is nothing to respect sir!

    Blind Allegiance to custom and pomp and circumstance is not a winning strategy either actually useless.
    More International backlash Blow Back forming :

    Listening to radio right now , the marches and protests by thousands of British citizens against Trumpet are happening right NOW ! UK public now have over 1,000,000 petitions signed protesting trumpet s planned visit to Britain and UK>.

    Perhaps Theresa May is over playing things by getting too cozy with the trumpet! Shades of Bush the Lessor’s puppet Tony blair foolishness! Perhaps ???

    So many issues at the Home front in UK you are vastly out numbered Marco so tread careful mate!

    the follies of this past weekend calls into question the basic ability of so called conservatives to actually govern properly and do programs in a orderly manner. The litter at the airports speaks volumes for incompetency laid at the feet of this CON man and his group of fellow con men and women all follies!

    As I have said before I have better things to do than get all worked up re the trumpet, I just report what I see and goes on , but I do enjoy it to a degree. Any good he try’s to do could have been done by more progressive politicos, but the rightie’s block all progress as they are anti progress and stuck in place as reality passes them by. Such is life.

    Laughing and Drinking Vino about all this its tragic but have to focus on the comical side of it, the Tempest will have its day. Sun will shine!

  10. Glenn Doty says:

    Bravo Craig.

    Agreed that we have to make sure our voices are heard, regardless of the risks.

    For you, I seriously doubt that there will be many risks. Most people in the renewable energy world are going to be happy you are using your voice to help resist and oppose fascism.

    But even when it’s a serious threat, we cannot be silent.

    Thank you for making sure that your voice is heard.

    • craigshields says:

      It’s true that most supporters of renewable energy share my political perspectives, and a great many entrepreneurs (looking for seed capital) do as well. In truth, however, 99+% of the money in renewable energy is there simply because (as a colleague put it) “that’s where the money’s going.” What does this mean? Money doesn’t give a damn about environmental agendas; it only pursues its own agenda that regards political activism as a threat.

      In any case, as always, I appreciate your kind words and good wishes.

      • marcopolo says:


        I think you do many of your colleagues investing in Clean technology, a great disservice.

        It’s true venture capitalists must be responsible and calculating when investing, or no one would continue to trust them with investment funds.

        It’s also true venture capital carries a higher expectation of return to compensate for higher risk and failures.

        But profit isn’t the sole objective which motivates most venture capitalists. Many choose to spend time and risk investment for the satisfaction of helping the environment and their fellow human beings.

        As for political activism, well, like excessive ideological commitment, it’s usually a disruptive waste of time, serving to detract from any real progress.

        Most venture capitalists make a great deal more money in the conventional markets, using surplus profits to finance difficult projects of environmental benefit.

        Of course you are correct when you refer to private money invested solely to capitalize on government guarantees and mandates.

  11. Breath on the Wind says:

    My posts are once again being delayed, likely due to the references they contain.

  12. Silent Running says:

    Well Said Glen ,

    Thank you sir.

    Those of us who are truly trying to make positive change with Renewable energy , energy Efficiency and sustainable Resource development need not stand idly by and smile and be happy over the Rising Dark cloud of Fascism as you accurately said.

    Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.

    Much heavy lifting lies ahead only the committed need to speak up and ACT!

  13. Breath on the Wind says:

    To continue my previous post with this morning’s update. It seems that when Trump first called for a “Muslim Ban” back in December of ’15 he also called upon Rudy Giulani to “make it legal.” This is early enough and the language is similar enough for there to be a connection between this and the addition to the appropriations bill in anticipation of pointing back to this earlier time. I can’t say that there is a connection only that it would not be an unbelievable tactic. It would be an attempt to confuse the timeline. The plant in the appropriations bill would then be like a political seed that could be harvested at a later time.

    But if you have followed this so far then double the confusion again and you have this whole mess as just a kind of “red herring” operation. The “Muslim ban” is open and obvious. It is a violation of first amendment rights. It shocks us and causes outrage… and at the same time takes attention away from confirmation of cabinet picks. It takes attention away from efforts to restart formerly sidelined pipelines. Such “red herring” operations were constantly part of the playbook of the Bush presidency. It manipulates the media and the news cycle. It plays us as easily manipulated, stupid fools.

    • marcopolo says:


      What “Muslim Ban” ? It’s an very odd ban that doesn’t include 95% of Muslims !

      Trump’s ban simply excludes refugees and citizens of Muslim states where the internal conditions make screening impracticality.

      The oolicy may be ineffective, but not discriminatory.

      • Breath on the Wind says:

        Marco, there is a convention in this part of the English speaking world to put something in quotes that is used as an object more than for its meaning.

        And so we put things like “Muslum Ban” in quotes as it may or may not be used accurately. Similarly, I think I would tend to put the term, “alternative facts” in quotes.

        As an example, we sometimes quote words or phrases that are misspelled or contain other errors. For you to question the definition of “Muslim Ban” is like questioning the spelling of a quoted word.

        This suggests that you are not familiar with the usage, failed to observe it, or simply are trying to “pick a fight.” Here it is a rhetorical device. As I did not originate the term, I don’t feel a pressing need to explain it (or now be dragged into a discussion of the term.) I used it and moved on. That is the point of the quotes.

        • Breath on the Wind says:

          Also in this context term “muslim ban” is a direct quote from Trump himself and the article cited.

          • marcopolo says:


            I think you misunderstood my reference to “Muslim ban”.

            The reference wasn’t intended toward you personally, rather an observation on how an inaccurate headline can, with repetition become an accepted “fact”.

            Ten years from now people will still be asserting the now established “truth” that Donald Trump discriminated against religion by “banning Muslims”.

            This is how such urban myths begins, and it becomes almost impossible to eradicate the inaccuracy, especially among those with a vested interest in maintaining the lie.

  14. Silent Running says:

    @ Breath on wind

    Excellent detailed research on the complex collection of rulings and votes in congress during the Obama administration time…so many dangling particles

    glad you just were blunt and pointed out the fact that what the Trumpster ordered is wrong from what I am hearing it is illegal act the way it was done.

    2 minutes ago the Acting Atty general Sally Yates was fired by the TRUMPET !

    so shades of Nixon return to our shores and Washington.

    10 days in office and the Trumper is making big moves taking hard line positions – Trump is drawing LInes in the Sand as they say

    The temperature level in all the Toxic Chalices is now going to Boil

    Add Washington state to the Resistance they have court challenges to the Trumper ! challenging the constitutionality of Trump’s order.

    We have only just begun – the Independence of the Justice Dept is now on the Line how many resignations on principle will result ???

    Sally Yates took a Stand for the Spirit of the Law and what Justice and Rights in america are supposed to be our standard.

    Trumpet s Power trip has only just begun!

    But the other side of the coin like Breath said this also part of a Deflection Distraction Distortion denial campaign to cover more egregious bad acts. that could also be part of the Chess game
    Interesting times

  15. Breath on the Wind says:

    Marco it was actually Trump who repeatedly spoke of his “temporary” ban against Muslims entering the country. We can’t exactly blame people or the media for shortening this to “Muslim ban” although I can appreciate how this sound bite changes the emphasis and like many such shortenings suggests a wider application. Again it was apparently Rudy Guilini’s job to turn his “Muslim ban” into something “legal.” It may be reading too much into this to suggest that Trump therefore then knew it was not legal.

    To some extent the argument is a bit like that surrounding calling the electric car a “zero emission vehicle” which is a perfectly accurate description although it is also potentially misleading as the “vehicle” is not necessarily then part of a zero emission transportation “system.”

    But it was Trump himself who championed the use of shorter and memorable personal names to help eliminate many of his opponents in the election process. Perhaps you can recall “lying Ted” or “crooked Hillary.” Just as in a fight we can’t exactly blame someone for hitting back once struck, I would feel a bit hypocritical to call this shortening completely “unfair.”

    There is however a difference in using such a term as a quote and and a description or trying to be vindictive. It is probably the difference between an independent journalist / researcher and someone just exercising a partisan pettiness.

    While I sometimes agree with your political perspective I try to avoid being personal or petty. As you would likely agree too much partisan-ism is likely to lead to clouded judgement. A first sign of this is that we “tend to see our own faults in others.”

    • marcopolo says:


      Your points are well made, but already the madness has begun and it’s hard to stop.

      Google and Mark Zuckerberg are excellent examples. The media has widely reported their criticisms of the Presidents actions quoting Googles announcement that the “Muslim Ban” affected 187 key foreign born employees. These employees were claimed to be crucial to Google’s operation.

      In fact, only nine of the ‘key’ employees were born in one of the seven countries covered by the ban and of the nine all but three are American citizens and not Muslims. Of the three remaining each is exempt from the ban.

      So actually no Google employees are affected, most of the 187 named are Indonesian, Malaysian, Pakistani or Indian.

      But once these 187 pass into urban folk lore, it will be quoted and re-quoted until it becomes an irrefutable truth !

  16. Breath on the Wind says:

    There is no shortage of “false conclusions” spearheaded by short memorable phrases. Some time ago, I looked into the reports behind pipelines being “safer than railroads,” and found the term is based upon studies that drew the conclusion from human accident data. By itself it is mostly a comment that railroad transportation of oil involves more people than pipelines and thus more personal accidents per tonnage moved. The studies made no claim to “environmental safety.” Yet pipelines being “safer than railroads” environmentally is constantly implied.

    What should we then do? Don our language police hats and condemn all shortcuts in the use of language and thinking? Most often we see people condemn those shortcuts they disagree with and ignore those they agree with. Perhaps it is just part of human nature to be more critical of those things that we don’t accept.

    Some things are too big, too pervasive to change. At that point our only hope is to incorporate an understanding into some personal wisdom. We at least can take this as a lesson in our own lives to listen before we condemn, to try and understand before we reject. It may be that the lapse in critical thinking is our own.