Reaction to Trump’s Ban from Those Who Care About a Humane Society

Reaction to Trump's Ban from Those Who Care About an Enlightened, Free SocietyI thought I’d publish this letter I just received from the president of my alma mater, Trinity College (pictured), as it demonstrates how U.S. academic institutions are responding to our nation’s crackdown on religious liberty.  My favorite line: I assure you that I will be working with my counterparts at other institutions to vehemently oppose any discriminatory policies or practices that stand to have a profoundly negative impact on our educational mission and that defy the ideals and values of an enlightened, free society.

January 29, 2017

Dear Members of the Trinity College Community,

As many of you know, on Friday, President Trump signed an executive order suspending entry to the U.S. by citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen and severely restricting refugee admission to the country (temporarily for some and indefinitely for Syrian refugees).

Today, as court challenges to the executive order continue to mount, the precise implications for our own community aren’t yet clear, and I expect that to be the case for some time. We have reached out to express care and support to Trinity students who may be directly affected — those from one of the countries whose citizens would be barred from U.S. entry temporarily or indefinitely. We are working to determine whether and how any faculty or staff might be affected as well.

What we can say now is that Trinity will continue to support our community members regardless of their religion or country of origin, and we will continue to work to foster an inclusive campus environment in which all students feel welcomed and safe and have equal opportunities to engage in a Trinity education and to succeed. To those students, faculty, and staff who need or want support, it is available in many places and from many individuals, and I encourage you to reach out to one or more of the following offices: Dean of the Faculty, Dean of Students, Chaplain’s Office, Human Resources, and International Students and Scholars.

We will keep you informed as we endeavor in the days and weeks ahead to determine the effects of this executive order and ensuing court action. Early this week, I will be in Washington to attend the annual meeting of the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities and to meet with members of our congressional delegation. I am certain this issue will be top of mind in our meetings and conversations. And I assure you that I will be working with my counterparts at other institutions to vehemently oppose any discriminatory policies or practices that stand to have a profoundly negative impact on our educational mission and that defy the ideals and values of an enlightened, free society.


Joanne Berger-Sweeney
President and Trinity College Professor of Neuroscience

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10 comments on “Reaction to Trump’s Ban from Those Who Care About a Humane Society
  1. Frank R. Eggers says:

    That is a very good response. It is typical of the way other colleges and universities are responding.

    The fact that trump would take such action without carefully considering the consequences is alarming. Obviously anyone who would do such a thing without first carefully considering the effects and without consulting with people who are in a position to evaluate the likely consequences is just about unthinkable. One wonders whether he would also impetuously set of a nuclear attack.

  2. marcopolo says:


    President Trump’s actions are not “impetuous'”. Throughout his campaign he clearly spelt out his intention to execute these exact policies.

    He obviously is aware of the scale of reaction, and prepared for the consequences. His constituency is not university students, or leftist lecturers, or even the liberal press.

    He’s quite comfortable using Obama era legislation to achieve his ends and cunningly provokes over-reaction from his opponents.

    The scale of over-reaction is designed to sow seeds of doubt about the sincerity of the motives of his opponents, while the temporary nature of his actions is calculated to create the impression his opponents are hysterical and simply protesting for the sake of protesting.

    It’s the tactic of an Lawyer who knows he doesn’t need to win a majority, just the seeds of doubt in a minority to win.

    The more rabid his opponents, the more he leaves them flat-footed and ineffective. The more they seem to frustrate his program, the more it looks like he actually had a serious program, and any failures can be blamed on the intransigence of his opponents.

  3. marcopolo says:


    Efforts to portray these orders as “religious discrimination” will inevitably as people start to realize that no travel bans apply to countries with huge Muslim populations, or even the largest Islamic nations.

    The cry “Trump discriminates against the Muslim faith” or even “Trump hates Muslims”, is obviously disproved since he has Muslim business partners and very investments in the largest Islamic nations. In fact his relationship with people of the Islamic faith would appear to be far more harmonious than his predecessors.

    Trump is employing an old tactic to discredit his opponents by provoking an over reaction.

    Demonstrators waving placards crying “Trump’s a racist”, start to lose credibility as the details of his Indonesian, Turkish, Qatari, Kuwaiti, Ethiopian, Pakistani, Indian, Nigerian and Asian friends and business partners becomes better known.

    Likewise, after all the initial hype and indignation starts to dissipate, people will start to wonder why these objections weren’t raised when this Obama era legislation was passed.

    Trump, and his strategists, are probably thinking it’s an advantage to start his administration with a display of action, provoke an hysterical reaction, and when over the next three years the sky hasn’t fallen, Trump will be seen as a strong leader, opposed by hysterical, misguided hypocrites.

    I’m not saying he’s right, or even the strategy will work, but right at the moment it appears on course.

    • craigshields says:

      You write: “Efforts to portray these orders as “religious discrimination” will inevitably (fall part) as people start to realize that no travel bans apply to countries with huge Muslim populations, or even the largest Islamic nations.”

      Yep, I’ve already noticed that. There are two differences between the countries to which bans apply and those to which they don’t:

      • There hasn’t been a single incident in which an American was killed by a terrorist from any of the seven banned counties, as compared to many thousands of deaths from terrorists in countries that weren’t listed, and

      • Trump has no business dealings in the banned countries, but he has huge dealings in the in countries that weren’t listed.

      A old friend writes (tongue firmly implanted in his cheek) “It’s just another in a huge set of coincidences.”

      • marcopolo says:


        Your reply highlight how easy it is to fall into Trump’s trap.

        1) With the exception of Iran, all the seven states are chaotic failed states still engaging in factional conflict.

        2)Most of these countries are already experiencing some form sanctions and travel bans.

        3)Six of the nations were already selected by Obama era programs.

        4) As a resort developer, naturally Trump has no investment in nations lacking political stability. So it’s not “racial’ or “religious discrimination” , but chaotic political systems he’s discriminating against.

        Now I don’t disagree that banning anyone from any country is pointless. Determined terrorists don’t fill in forms and obey restrictions. More Americans die at the hands of fellow Americans than foreign terrorists.

        The UK withstood 30 years of terrorism and bloodshed from the IRA without putting travel bans on the Irish, or curtailing liberty.

        But It’s a 90 day intercession, legalized by Obama era legislation and procedure, and more importantly, was an early election promise.

        Like the temporary ‘gag’ orders, the *) days will pass, and most people won’t remember what all the fuss was about, only the impression the President acted decisively.

        Like I said, Trump’s strategists aren’t aiming to win everyone’s support, just another 5% from the centre.

        It’s a sad but accurate fact, that the majority of Americans don’t really want a Somali, Yemeni, Sudanese family moving in next door. Trump knows his electorate.

        In all the heat and fury of this debate, his muddleheaded economic policies are forgotten.

  4. Silent Running says:

    @ Craig

    Thanks for sharing what the University position and Actions are .

    while Mate Marco does make some analytical points about a trumperian strategy which is probably quite true. Some serious chess games being played some short and some long plays!
    The real damage is among st the various governments and different populations and individual states in the US are filing law suits against the Trumpers etc. Uber losing money big time and their rivals are winning !

    Google is going to have demonstrations and action activities at 600 different locations Google is a multi billion dollar enterprise

    so Mate Marco don’t under estimate the mind sets of the high tech giants as they align up to combat the trumpet!

    The level of Resistance is Rising , growing and is Global in Scope so the trumper chess players better be up to the long game !

    In UK as I reported earlier the British parliament has over 1,000,000 signatures and more coming in requesting that the Trumpet be banned from UK shores!

    How that plays out will be telling and can cause impacts into British elections in the future so ol trumper is making impacts in many ways !

    So Marco the old standards may not apply – watching those police officers play soccer and kick the trump head around and laughing means that the police in the US are divided on the Trumpet.

    Factor these things into your analysis.

    Obamas deal re the 2 Iraqi’s was much much different that is Red herring defense of the trumpet. Obama was trying to keep 2 people with bombing plans out of the US. CNN states the difference clearly.

    The Hope and Change man did a lot of smart policy stuff but red necks dont get it as they just over react to things. Don’t do smart very well!

    where is the BAN on Saudi Arabia the host country and source of 9 / 11 killers. Trumper can’t answer that as he has his properties there and we sell Billions of defense and weapons of death there .

    Obama had to be quiet when ISIS funding and actions were Rabid, he could not say in front of the TV that one of the main sources of revenues for ISIS came from Saudi Arabia and also Turkey was buying their oil !!1

    so much for so called alliances with the Middle East corrupted nations.

    but that speaks to what the real problem is our over involvement with un holy alliances that dont really function correctly.

    Now I will shock you – that trumpet says and speaks to some of this in his campaign but no details. Yes he did. Now if he really wants to clean things up – trumpet has the chance to Reform our policies

    then we will see if he is all BS and A SCAMMER with no cattle or if there is some sense of right in him. I d bet on the Former not the Latter!

    Till then I keep sipping good Red Wine later

    Frank and Craig hang its time to drink Red Wine sit back and watch the BIG MO grow ….

    The growing excitement of going to sleep at night and knowing when you awake there may be a new Trumper Eruption and volcano of Blowback forming. what will we do for relief once the super Bowl is over !!!1

    anyone got any concepts ?

    • marcopolo says:


      I wouldn’t have too much faith in Google as champions of moral virtue !

      This is the same organization that pays virtually no US taxes, and cooperates with the PRC secret police to spy on citizens around the world.

      Remember, it’s the Trump administration which has vowed to make Google pay tax. Trump is also threatening to expose US corporations conducting improper business practices in the PRC.

      Google may have it’s own agenda.

  5. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco

    Re google comments you made

    Oh yes I understand Google and the others are no Saints or High minded outfits like they try to project but its the size of the co that are lining up in opposition.

    companies with money can pay people to demonstrate and pay for other activists to do the Street work etc. their employees safe in their higher paying positons will go along to stay in the game. I get all that.

    the off shore billions in taxes not paid is a another Black hole in the US economy for sure.

    so I take your point well. I said earlier and think there are multiple chess games going on…

    Also Trumpet said he wants to crack down on illegal immigration and this comes in different forms. google and the other Hi tech co have run a SCAM o n the US system for years – of course they ahve been enabled by both Dems and GOP politicos for campaign cash . The scam is for the CEO’s of the wunderkind land scream about artificial labor shortages. They need more high tech worker w skills , etc.

    they are \emoving so fast that they can’t hire domestic college grads totally and train them need experience Now.( they do hire many domestic ) but they need special laws rules and the end result is the HR 1 B visa worker program.

    This results in larger numbers of foreign computer engineers who are hired for less and this racket has gone for years.

    Trumpet has said he is going to do something about it. being a reasonable person I find this position to be good for USA and our domestic economy and God only knows how many thousands of smart college grads are out there that can work into these jobs and begin paying off their college debts etc.

    But the CEO s of the High Tech co with their congressional allies keep allowing the H ! B visa program to go marching on with many a vague defense etc.

    Millenials are being hurt by this policy so the Trumpet if he really is trying to correct this problem – he will gain some traction amongst the little people and workers. So that is a strong card to play if he is in fact playing it. He no need campaign donations from High Tech so he is free to rein them in.
    As much as I dont care for him this is one of a few pearls he offers – if it is real ???/As a bet I think the odds are not good. But I can see that the high tech ers want to wage a negotiation battle with him so they can keep the pipeline of cheaper workers imported into US going.

    This could be the Bigger picture ?? H 1 B visas are a Sore source of pain for domestic workers and its high time to reign it in. We graduate plenty of tech workers and they can do the job and we dont need all these foreign folks coming here and skimming off the cream…like they been doing.

    Don’t mis understand me readers , I am not a Nativist. But we need some restoration of some balance into our systems . the global economy has lowered american living standards and wages etc. but other costs have risen way up – college student loan debt is a real Brake on our economy and this situation requires we re examine and re think our immigration and labor importation formulas. We do need some migration but perhaps at much reduced levels until our working class gets some stronger footing.

    The excessive volume of Mexican immigrants along the border States has increased competition for work among-st the migrants them selves.
    they compete harder among st themselves and under cut their own wages now. The novelty is over.

    40 % of american workers are now some sort of contract type worker. so stability and upward mobility is limited.

    Trumpet sat back and figured out some of these things. His style and tactics may be totally appalling but some of the things he said do resonate with many Dem voters I know or have met. They have watched the other two parties and the Elites sell them out since the 1980’s .

    All that off shore profit money un taxed is a national disgrace and the result of Real Winner Take All Politics book I mentioned in the other Post.
    Chess Chess games.

  6. marcopolo says:


    “companies with money can pay people to demonstrate and pay for other activists to do the Street work etc”

    Good grief, I think Cameron, Breath or Glenn just had an apoplexy!

    Better watch out, they’ll be after you with pitchforks shouting “heretic ” .

    Sadly, you’re right. the cynical way Warren Buffet has maneuvered the Democrats in pipeline disputes to further his railroad profits is both blatant and ruthless.

    What is really tragic is the price local communities, with few resources are the ones bearing the brunt of his machinations.

    Yes, I know others do similar, but then they don’t claim to be on the side of the angels.

  7. Silent Running says:

    @ Marco

    See mate we can find some common points across the Deep Blue Oceans

    I am no fan of the Trumpet etc as I am sure you know.

    But I am also a critic of the circus that surrounds our politics and probably always did. So many Imposters posing as something they really are not.

    I do not support the trumper and think he is bad for the future end of story. he is a sad reflection of how low America has sunk in its political and social discourse and he also is whitelash blow back from 8 years of a black president. America at its base is a racist country that has much work to do to truly Honor all the Pearly Worley words in our so called constitution and Pledge of Allegiance etc. We are not what we try to sell the world on.

    He does play chess well or he would not be as successful in his grand Con Games.

    so I think there are multiple con games going on – and as Breath said and he is wise Marco. Breath said that much of this on the surface antics could be a big smoke screen for their darker agenda ! Now that is critical thinking and I agree with Breath.

    As I prepared for my day and had the tv on and watched some of the US senators acting so sanctimoniously posturing for the tv cameras I just see most of them as little Lords who are well positioned in life and they have participated in so many compromises that they are like HRC they compromised the comprise.

    Now that should give one something to Ponder or contemplate.

    Mr Buffett is getting stiff competition in Nevada now and also in SE NM. there are 3 large solar Plants under construction now utility scale in Nevada. so his coal business w suffer.
    2 are 200 megawatt plants and one is going to be a soalr thermal w 10 power towers over 1,500 megawatts with night time storage capability so the cost reductions for thermal have come down.

    More progress for Solar. These plants will compete for Buffet’s utility sales and the utility just lost 3 of the largest Casino consumers to solar and geo thermal so his ride is going to get more challenging. solar reserve is the big one its great they are building more Solar w Storage. Sign of the market trends folks.

    then over in SE NM a close to tex Panhandle 200 plus more megawatts of solar going in by the Utility so their coal purchases and railroad shipments of wy or col coal are going down.

    buffett;s rail business will take another hit!

    so Marco this news should please you

    Carry on and lets see what Volcanoes or Eruptions the Trumpet brings today !
    Damn he is causing me to Drink larger volumes of VINO !!!
    later on Cheers to all bring big pitch forks as I have a large Sicilian clan by the way!!! Ha ha