Koch Brothers Running Roughshod Over U.S. Democracy, But What Can We Do?

26904619_346517212424180_496449134697865949_nWell, since you asked, let’s start by boycotting their products and overturning Citizens United, the U.S. Supreme Court decision that enables them to buy our elections.

From there, let’s get rid of the new tax scam, from which they will save a mere $1.4 billion annually.  Given that there are still 450,000 people in Puerto Rico without power four full months after Hurricane Maria, I’m guessing that the money could be put to good use.

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2 comments on “Koch Brothers Running Roughshod Over U.S. Democracy, But What Can We Do?
  1. marcopolo says:


    An excellent idea !

    Let’s see, let’s improve democracy by limiting who can express an opinion ! Brilliant logic, worthy of those ancient Greek democrats.

    Hmmm….., yeah actually just like them ! In ancient Athens almost no one could vote or express an opinion. Women, slaves, common people, anyone under thirty, citizens whose rights were under suspension, debtors, etc, in fact only about 10% and voting fraud was rife.

    As Socrates discovered, speaking out could be fatal.

    But back to your brilliant idea of a boycott. Bit impractical eh? I mean are you going refuse to eat, drink, watch TV, use the internet, put fuel in your Prius, drive on a road, use medication, or anyone of millions of products and services produced by Corporations ?

    So, in reality it’s just nonsense isn’t it ?

    Just the sort of hyperbole humorously parodied in the Monty Python film,Life of Brian Scene 21, the committee meeting.

    Somehow, I don’t see David Koch panicking in fear at a boycott !

    But, please don’t let my pessimism deter you, I await with considerable interest for news of how your personal example inflames the nation.

  2. Cameron Atwood says:

    Bribery (otherwise known as campaign contributions, etc.) is not Free Speech.