From Guest Blogger Lizzie Weakly: Air Filtration–The Importance of Clean Air in the Workplace

woman-entepreneurSilent, tasteless, odorless, and colorless: these words describe radon gas. At one point in time relatively few knew about this harmful substance and even less understood how they could be at risk of exposure. In modern times, society has developed test kits to reveal this elusive substance and subsequently guard against it. However, it is not just radon gas that requires society’s attention. Exceptional air quality must be emphasized as a guarantee in any workplace.

What’s in the Air

Myriad of toxins exist in the modern workplace. The air serves as a vessel for these toxins to circulate and either be filtered out or ingested by inhabitants of the building. When these substances accumulate in a closed air space, unknowingly, the workers begin to breathe in toxins. Primary concerns of air quality deal with particulates such as dust and gases such as radon. Dust consists of many different particles derived from dead skin, dirt, and pollen which the lungs have trouble filtering out. Depending upon the workspace and surrounding area there may also be saw dust or trace heavy metals. However, modern society has numerous products for adhesives, cleaning surfaces and “freshening” the air that actually contain highly toxic chemical components. Most products with fragranced ingredients have phthalates that disrupt the endocrine system. Adhesives contain formaldehyde, most known for being a flame retardant but is now understood to impair the nervous system. The list continues and for more information consult the Environmental Working Group’s website:

Improving Air Quality

Many would argue that prevention is the best medicine. From this perspective it is paramount to remove exposure to toxins. Gathering awareness of what products are used in the workplace and exchanging any which are known to contain harmful substances is the first step. However, quality of air is substantially improved with constant circulation and filtration. Fresh, outdoor air being brought in while old air is filtering out. Companies like Kruman Equipment Company provide a wide variety of valued products; anything from heating and cooling filtration systems to air purification devices. For many buildings today, a newly installed system will drastically improve air quality for years to come.

Taken for granted in most situations, clean air is essential to a functioning and efficient workplace. Many of the harmful substances pervading air space in modern work areas can be effectively dealt with given proper knowledge and decisive action. Filtration stands as the best solution; air must always be able to circulate. The unnecessary contents need to be successfully expunged if the people are to work with clear heads and healthy lungs. Proper air filtration is essential to the modern workplace.

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