From Guest Blogger Anabel Cooper: The Influence of Robotics on Ecology

RobotsRemember Pixar’s WALL-E? It was a robot trying to save a polluted earth. That movie may be a prediction where we are headed as human beings. Today, robots are used in all areas of human life, from medicine to customer service. Automation in the manufacturing industry has been as a result of robots.

Robots have led to lower labour costs, accuracy in the performance of tasks and time efficiency. They have influenced ecology as well, and we are going to see just how they have done it.


As human beings, we are very vulnerable and can easily suffer bodily harm. On the other hand, robots can be sent just about anywhere, and in the case of damage, they can be repaired.

Robots have been used in:

  • The terrestrial environment
  • The atmospheric environment
  • The aquatic environment

Robots with wheels are being sent to the moon for data collection. They are easily able to navigate the rough terrain on the planet due to their design. Another example is where robots are sent to the bottom of the sea for data collection and transmission. Today, through robots, marine biologists can tell us how water pollution has affected marine life.


When scientists are confronted with new habitats, sampling becomes a nightmare. Man-guided robots ease the process. Robot arms may take samples and store them and later deliver them to the scientist’s lab.

Mapping and Counting of Organisms

Human presence interferes with organisms’ normal behaviour, thus not useful for observing. The man-guided drones, on the other hand, will smoothly count, take pictures and submit this data without disturbing the organisms. Drones will capture the habitat beautifully without disturbing it. Just as Noosphere establisher Max Polyakov said, drones are the best thing that has happened to science, especially when scientists want to explore high-risk areas and uncharted territory.

Continuous Monitoring

Scientists often need constant real-time data to observe changes in a particular environment. Robots will correct and submit the data without interfering with that situation. Using sensors and photography, the robot collects data and will either store or immediately transmit the data.

Experiments in Ecology

Ecological tests sometimes require a million repeated operations that have to be performed with complete accuracy to get the desired results. Human error is a significant hindrance in the lab. Therefore, robots are the perfect solution for this. They are programmed to perform highly accurate experiments continuously.

Electronic Waste

When a robot’s useful life comes to an end, then it can be recycled, but this is not always the case. If not reused, it adds to the already increasing amount of electronic waste in the world that is recovered and stored in the developing world. This waste contains harmful components like lead and beryllium that are at high risk to the communities living close to this garbage.


The benefits accrued from environmental research using robots have to be weighed against environmental pollution resulting from the robots to see if it is worth it. With one robot being offered citizenship in Saudi Arabia, it is evident that robots are here to stay.

In ecology, robots have enabled scientists to visit places that they could not have otherwise had a chance of accessing, especially physically. Therefore, with continued advancement in technology, we can expect robots that can accomplish more than ever before.

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