From Guest Blogger Sagar Mandan: Ways of Practicing Great Green Activities in Your Business

1 (2)The benefits of going green in your business is good for your business in terms of improving sales, and it also helps to preserve and take care of the environment.

Customers are more educated nowadays when it comes to the benefits of practicing environmental-friendly practices, and the use of products that promote the preservation of environment.

A survey that was carried out in 2014 showed that more than half of the modern consumers are prepared to pay more for products that come from companies that have embraced environmental-friendly practices in their activities or production.

You hence will be in a good position when you incorporate eco-friendly practices in your business. While you are at it, ensure that the products or services that you advertise are exactly what you sell.

Do not lead yourself to the punishment that consumers give to businesses, when they feel cheated by being offered products that aren’t what they expected. Here are some ways of making your business green.

  • Leave Your Car Behind If You Can

Every car that is left unused is a step forward in cutting carbon emission. If a number of people opt not to use their cars to commute to work, that will be multiple cuts of the emissions, which will lead to a cleaner environment that is healthy for everyone to live in.

The move comes with added benefits that are the exercise that you will do. Without a car, you will either walk to work or use a bicycle, two great ways of exercising your body and keeping fit! It might be hard at first, but when you start slow, you will eventually become used to it. It works best for those people who aren’t far from their job place.

If it’s a distant to work, the best thing to do is use public transport. One bus of a capacity of 24 passengers is better than emissions from 24 cars on the same road.

  • Working from Home

It works well for those who are in service businesses like consultancy. Others can still run other types of businesses from home. The internet has brought us technology like video conferencing where you can hook-up with your team when they are all in different locations. By that you cut carbon emission and also save on the cost of every day commuting.

  • Convenience for Garbage Reduction

You can help the environment by reducing garbage at your work place. You don’t have to be addicted to always going for single-use products. An example is the use of pod coffee makers. They are used once and disposed, and that will mean many of them in a day from a single office.

One tin of regular coffee in your office kitchen will make all the difference. Employees will use standard cups and take as many cups of coffee as they need, without having to fill the waste bin with used coffee maker pods. The same concepts can be spread to other areas where you can replace a habit that isn’t environmental friendly with a great green solution.

  • Also Try Green Procurement

Sustain your business by buying products or services from others that are practicing environmental-friendly practices too. Buy goods that are only;

  • Designed to be repaired instead of throwing after use
  • Manufactured in a sustainable way
  • Don’t contain toxic materials or substances that depletes the ozone layer
  • Recyclable or made from recycled materials
  • Don’t have excessive packaging

You will want your consumers to support you by taking your products and services that you offer through energy efficiency practices. That’s why you should also support others who are working hard to save the universe by producing products through green measures.

  • Support the Less Fortunate

You might think that this means giving handouts to the homeless on the streets. It can stretch to that extent though but in this case, it is about giving out your office things to people starting small when you need to renovate and expand.

Many are looking for that cabinet that you now don’t need, and instead of dismantling it with a sledge hammer, simply advertise and give it away. You will be amazed at the number of positive responses you will get from people who need what you have and now don’t need, in their offices.

A professional contractor will dismantle that Brisbane Solar hot water system that you want to replace in a way that it will be installed and be usable in another premise perfectly.

  • Minimize Water Usage

No one can deny that water usage in the work place can go out of control and be wasted, given that you have different personalities in your employees. Its however simple to arrest water loss by doing the following;

  • For those who are in laundry services, going for Energy Star rated equipment will save you a lot in terms of water usage as well as electricity.
  • A high efficiency pressure washer will be a good replacement to a hose that most people connect to taps. That way you will use less water.
  • Take note and fix dripping taps and plumbing leaks.
  • Replace the toilets with low-flowing ones. Low-flowing faucets in the bathroom will be a great change too. A Solar hot water system will be a great and environmental-friendly addition
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