What To Make of the U.S. President and the Truth

TruthEveryone in America who’s trying to pay attention to the world around him is working hard to make sense of a nonsensical situation.  Current events in U.S. politics are happening so fast that none of us has the mental bandwidth to deal with every absurdity hurling at us at 150 MPH on a daily basis.

OK, let’s calm down and think.  What’s more credible?

• With the exception of Fox News, the entirety of the nation’s journalists, along with the nation’s top intelligence and law enforcement communities, as well as the vast majority of scientists and academicians have a deep vendetta against this president, and have decided to abandon every shred of their integrity to attack him, regardless of the truth…or

• The president and Fox News are the only ones in America with the guts and deep-seated patriotism required to stand up and tell you the truth.

Pick one; you can’t have it both ways.

May God help us.

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One comment on “What To Make of the U.S. President and the Truth
  1. marcopolo says:


    Actually, you can pick both ! In any arena of public debate there is always many shades of “truth”, depending on the perspective and convictions of the individual or group.

    There’s no monopoly on “truth” and certainly no indivual or organization owns the “Truth”.

    The media long ago sold any degree of integrity or objectivity in a pursuit for ratings and money. Law enforcement has often proven themselves wrong, corrupt, incompetent and treacherous.

    Yes, it’s true huge numbers of people have taken into their heads to cry “Never Trump” and lose all sense of reason or rationality to attack this President.

    This doesn’t mean President Trump or Fox News or any of the hundreds of other media outlets supporting the President have a monopoly on “truth” either. Somewhere in the middle of all this cacophony lies some of the “truth”, while mixed among opposition and supporter’s rhetoric fragments of the “truth” lie waiting to be discovered.

    The biggest mistake we often make, is pronouncing what is really only our own opinion, as unassailable “Truth”!

    Fortunately, in modern representative democracies, the general public doesn’t feel obliged to worship politicians as idols or paragons of virtue. The ordinary person doesn’t need to be come obsessive or agree with every word uttered by the “great leader”.

    Most people understand every government or politician will possess admirable qualities and policies, some merely tolerable, and others less agreeable.

    The obsessive and excessive attacks on this President are beginning to lose effectiveness with repetition. The President is gaining, not losing, popularity and credibility as none of the more extreme claims by his opponents don’t eventuate.

    For those of his opponents like yourself, this must be very frustrating seeing all the hype and vitriol not only having little effect, but actually proving counter-productive !

    Craig, that’s the problem, there’s only so many times you can say the same old tirade before the public gets tired of listening.