U.S. Supreme Court and Democratic Socialism

dwight-d-eisenhowerI thought I’d publish part of the conversation I’m having with my mother, who, as is the case with many Americans, both young and old, sees our country going to the dogs.  Her particular concern is that the Supreme Court is going to start reinterpreting the U.S. Constitution in terms of modern sensibilities, (meaning too liberal), ultimately resulting in socialism.  I write: I wonder what tenet in the US Constitution that could be reinterpreted worries  you most. For the majority of the right, of course, it’s gun control.  The idea that someone could be forced to undergo a background check before purchasing a weapon

tan wipe out an entire schoolyard, church, movie theater or concert arena in a matter of a few minutes is anathema to them. News flash: Kenyan-born Muslim socialist Obama is not coming for your guns.  Seriously, though, all decent people want common sense gun laws.

From our conversations, I know that you believe the First Amendment is under attack because some colleges won’t permit certain forms of speech (hate speech or pseudoscience being passed off as legitimate thinking) on their campuses. As you know, I side with the colleges here; IMO, the right of free speech doesn’t protect all forms of expression, especially when it’s overtly criminal, e.g., inciting violence.

I also wonder how a conservative could complain that the Supreme Court isn’t conservative enough, especially given where it’s been going over the past several decades, and the speed with which it’s continuing to move to the right. Even before Antony Kennedy’s retirement: labor unions are being actively disemboweled, we’re very likely going to recriminalize abortion, we’re one of only four industrialized countries on Earth that still executes people, corporations are free to control the outcome of our elections, Obamacare has been gutted, Planned Parenthood is going away (resulting in millions of unwanted pregnancies and a huge spike in breast, ovarian, a cervical cancer), discrimination against gays has been upheld, we have unprecedented criminal prosecutions of government whistleblowers, the EPA is powerless to protect our air and water from corporate polluters, we have a travel ban on people from a religion with 1.8 billion adherents, and our courts are allowing massive violations of numerous international laws every minute of every day on our southern border. Maybe I’m missing something, but I’m not sure what else you could still have on your wish list.

If the U.S. somehow gets past this horrible attack against its democracy and the blow to what were formerly well entrenched and internationally revered American values of decency and fairness, it seems to me that it will, in fact, take on a tinge on socialism, i.e., “democratic socialism,” much like the rest of the developed world, in which healthcare and education are regarded as rights. As you know, I don’t see this this as the end of the world; in fact, when I look at the list below, I see a great number of affluent and refined countries, and I will be happy and proud when/if the U.S.takes its place among them.

Norway    1912    Single Payer
New Zealand    1938    Two Tier
Japan    1938    Single Payer
Germany    1941    Insurance Mandate
Belgium    1945    Insurance Mandate
United Kingdom    1948    Single Payer
Kuwait    1950    Single Payer
Sweden    1955    Single Payer
Bahrain    1957    Single Payer
Brunei    1958    Single Payer
Canada    1966    Single Payer
Netherlands    1966    Two-Tier
Austria    1967    Insurance Mandate
United Arab Emirates    1971    Single Payer
Finland    1972    Single Payer
Slovenia    1972    Single Payer
Denmark    1973    Two-Tier
Luxembourg    1973    Insurance Mandate
France    1974    Two-Tier
Australia    1975    Two Tier
Ireland    1977    Two-Tier
Italy    1978    Single Payer
Portugal    1979    Single Payer
Cyprus    1980    Single Payer
Greece    1983    Insurance Mandate
Spain    1986    Single Payer
South Korea    1988    Insurance Mandate
Iceland    1990    Single Payer
Hong Kong    1993    Two-Tier
Singapore    1993    Two-Tier
Switzerland    1994    Insurance Mandate
Israel    1995    Two-Tier

I would also like to see an end to the “ultra-capitalism” that marks this era, i.e., the aggressive redistribution of wealth in favor of the uber-rich.  The tax “reform” is a good example: take $1.4 trillion more out of the treasury (now more than $20 trillion in debt) and give 80+% of it to the top 1%.

The huge and growing disparity between rich and poor is not sustainable.  IMO, there are huge moral issues associated with making it harder for middle and lower class families to survive, while billionaires continue to subvert our law-making processes and make themselves wealthier. It’s amazing how overt and brazen all this has become; I was amused at the slip-of-the-tongue that Republican Chris Collins made a few months ago when he told a reporter, “My donors are telling me, ‘If you don’t pass this tax reform bill, don’t ever call me again.'”

Yet it’s the practical more than the ethical consequences of this that concern me most.  A national of people who find it increasingly difficult to meet their daily needs will wind up uneducated, underemployed, stressed out, diseased, apathetic, uninvolved in government, and disposed to commit crime. Their country will eventually find itself increasingly irrelevant in the world, as its economy sputters due to its lack of competitiveness in the global marketplace.

When we say we want to Make America Great Again, it raises the questions: Well, when WAS it great in the past? and What did we do to make that happen?  The only real answer one could muster is the days between WW II and the Reagan administration, where, for 35 years, we had high high taxes on the rich and an enormous government commitment to improve the lives of the American people. The top tax rate under Eisenhower and Kennedy was 91%; in 1989 it was 28%, and, as a result the working classes have struggled, leading to their understandable frustration with their lives today.

Enter Trump.

The promise? I’ll make life good for you. I’m a master negotiator, and I work for you.  At the time time, I’ll salve your wounds by protecting your guns and beating up on blacks, Latinos, Muslims and poor–all the people you hate.

The truth?  I’m totally clueless on economic matters, but you’re too ignorant to be able to figure that out.  Besides, I kept all my racists promises, and you’re so full of hate and fear that you’ll love me regardless of how criminally I behave and how badly my childish and impulsive behavior further wipes you out financially.

Again, unsustainable.  We can only hope this phase of American history is moved quickly and safely behind us.

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One comment on “U.S. Supreme Court and Democratic Socialism
  1. marcopolo says:


    Reading your anguished rant, I can genuinely sympathize. Representative democracy isn’t fun when the people and the system doesn’t agree with your opinions. I can understand how difficult it must be for ‘true believers’ like yourself, to accept the wind of change are currently blowing against your beleifs.

    However, just behaving like a spoiled child, by throwlng a tantrum and demanding the rules be changed so you can always win, or have your own way isn’t going to work !

    Sooner or later, you must learn to accept reality.

    The myth of “Democratic Socialism ” was always based on a lie! Socialism can’t be ‘democratic’ when inherent in socialism is a level of coercion and suppression of individual creativity always inconsistent with the aspirations of democratic ideals.

    Also you seem to have a romanticized concept of the Eisenhower Presidency. The 1950’s were not really a time of contentment and happiness as portrayed in the pages of the Readers Digest or a sanitized, Disneyland, Main street USA.

    There was no real ‘Pleasentville’ ! The US in the 1950’s was a time of bitter racial divide, bigotry, anti-antisemitism, poverty, foriegn policy disasters, domestic distention and unrest, white fight, McCarthyism. queer bashing, anti-abortion, religious hatred etc.

    Only on Television did the USA of The Donna Reed Show or My Three Sons exist ! Likewise, “internationally revered American values of decency and fairness’ are another fantasy ! In the 1950’s the rest of the world did not, and never has “revered” US values (not even US allies)!

    Nor does your claim the current US President is “racist” correct ! Support for the President among Black Americans is growing as the President’s economic policies lower unemployment to record low numbers. Nor is the president opposed to people of the Islamic faith. The President has enjoys excellent relations with many practicing Muslims, including the largest “Muslim” nations on the planet !

    It’s also inconsistent with rising support among US citizens of Hispanic descent. Early charges of the President being anti-Semitic seem to have disappeared, even among ardent democrats.

    All the violence, hate and bullying is emanating from the “progressive, liberal Left’ who will not accept the will of the people to allow the administration to carry out it’s mandate.

    The US Constitution provides for the President to nominate appointments to the Supreme Court and the Senate confirm or reject such appointments. That’s the American version of a ‘democratic’ process.

    Terms like “legitimate thinking” as the only thinking permitted to be heard, is a bit scary ! Who determines what is “legitimate thinking” ?

    The Democrats an US progressive left are becoming more and more deranged and seem to be imploding into a party of perpetual outage, lacking any coherent policies to match the action of a President they just refuse to comprehend.

    It’s no good whining about your lost dreams, if US ‘progressives’ are to gain credibility, they abandon hypocrisy, admit their errors and come up with real, solid practical alternate policies.

    Screening impotent abuse and ranting outrage and hypocrisy, just convinces voters it’s all about “you”, not “them”. Even among women voters, The President’s figures are improving.

    The loss of Rep. Joe Crowley to Alexandria Ocasio-Corte, should be of great concern to the Democrats wishing to see the party becoming a more effective opposition. A successful opposition works to re-position itself as a credible alternate government, not just shouting louder !

    The Democrats are turning in on themselves. This internecine warfare will drive many democrat voters to abstain, while the President enjoys 90% support among Republican rank and file (if not among the politicians).

    I can understand and sympathize as you se all your hopeful predictions doused by reality.

    The Courts threw out action after action against the President’s travel bans. US District Courts also ruled ” Sorry Dems, you can’t sue your way to a Climate Policy” !

    Even the expected US-China trade war, didn’t escalate as the PRC realizes it’s not yet ready for confrontation with world largest economy, ruthlessly wielded by a determined leader.

    With all these losses, surely you must realize the illegal immigrant “crisis” , is a trap set by a cunning President for radical opponents.

    Demanding the abolition of ICE and screaming abuse, certainly educates people about the illegal migrant situation. Unfortunately, after the first emotive reaction wears off people start finding out the situation has been going on for over 10 years, and the next question is “well if it’s so shocking now, why wasn’t it shocking under Obama ?” Why didn’t you protest then ?

    It takes a while, but that will be the lasting impression.

    Why a trap ?

    Simple. The Democrats will be forced to offer an alternate policy. Extremists like Alexandria Ocasio-Corte and her young followers will continue to demand abolishing ICE, “open borders” etc, while the rest of the party flounders.

    Since even among Americans of Hispanic origin, such policies are deeply unpopular. The President only has to remain resolute and watch Democrats destroy themselves in the quagmire of his trap.

    The only way to “beat” this President is for Democrats to regain credibility, dignity, stifle the rage, restrain the outrage and present better, comprehensive , trustworthy policies.

    Otherwise, I’m afraid 2020 will be a repeat of 1968.

    In the meantime, pressure from the US has lost Iran oil exports to India. India is Iran’s second largest oil customer, while China confirmed it will not be increasing oil imports from Iran.

    Japan and even South Africa (the next biggest customers) have also reduced Iranian oil imports. The Saudi’s and Nigeria have increased production to help drive down any price rise.

    Even more worrying for Tehran is Russia is gaining a foothold into former Iranian energy export markets. Iran’s economy is beginning to feel the pressure as the war in Syria continues to drain resources.

    If Iran, return to the negotiating table with the US to talk about a more acceptable nuclear agreement, it will be huge victory for the President over his European skeptic’s.

    The next two years will be challenging as Americans adjust to a new era, it’s only natural that many of of those who see the world of Obama-style symbolism and idealist mythology dissipate.

    The millennial generation, armed with a leftist education and unrealistic expectation, is having a political impact, but time is on the side of conservatives. As the millennials grow older, start families and accept responsibility, idealism takes second place to economic aspirations.

    America in the next generation must look for a new future of achievement, not hearken back to the mythology of the past.