You’ve Got the Power

26904619_346517212424180_496449134697865949_nFrom the Daily Stoic:

The line from George Bernard Shaw was that “all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” He isn’t wrong. The reasonable man bends himself to the world, because he insists to himself that the world is this way for a reason. The unreasonable man does not accept that and tries–sometimes with futility, sometimes with success–to bend the world to his will.

IMO, the reason most people bend themselves to this world, rather than the other way around, isn’t a belief that the world is this way for a reason, but a feeling of impotence. Many people feel bad about issues of environmental or social injustice, poverty and the like, but they consider themselves powerless to do anything about it.  And, interestingly, this is precisely what empowers evil.

If that last statement sounds fallacious, imagine some form of evil, say the Koch brothers’ investing countless fortunes into confusing the general public about climate change, to enable the ongoing profit from the sale of fossil fuels.  Now, let’s imagine that we live in a vigorous, informed democracy, where the vast majority of people call BS on this.  How effective do you think it would be? How long do you think it would last?

Keep in mind what Henry Kissinger said about the war in Vietnam: “If it weren’t for the outrage of the common American, we’d still be there.”

Never underestimate the power of your voice.

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2 comments on “You’ve Got the Power
  1. marcopolo says:


    You baffle me. You use numerous products of than 350,000 produced by the oil industry. You sleep safe and warm in affluent Santa Barbara enjoying the prosperity created and maintained by the US oil industry.

    You enjoy the security of knowing the Fire Service will arrive to save your house being destroyed by fire, an Ambulance or paramedics will arrive to take care of you and your loved ones, a police patrol car will protect you, and your family from intruders, all sorts of emergency services exist for your benefit, all of whom rely on oil company products.

    You are happy to catch an aircraft to fly to conferences where you can rant about the ‘evil’ oils company products you use every day.

    I’m not sure the use of quotations from such morally bankrupt figures as Henry Kissinger help your cause, but then it’s a bit hard to discover what is your true real cause, isn’t it?

  2. Why does David Koch spend so much money on climate change denial groups? Because if the oil industry falls, he does too. Oil is money, and money is power. Since David is part of the industry, he will lose his main form of income if it is shut down, therefore losing all his power!