Trump: There Is Only One Strategy

20180825_115610It’s amusing to note that people are still thinking Trump will come up with a new strategy to address the barrage of scandals that seems to be in the process of taking him down. Did he have a plan to defeat ISIS? To improve healthcare?  To bring back jobs in coal?  To makes our schools safe? To lead our country with integrity, class and dignity?  To improve our relationship with our allies and our standing on the world stage?  To make our democracy stronger?  To deal with the inequities of world trade? 

What about before he came to the White House, when he was bankrupting casinos, running sham universities and ripping off contractors?  Was there a strategy (other than dishonesty and abusing as many people as possible) at play at any time in his life?

Uh…  Then why should anyone be expecting anything but a continuation of his grand, combined, and ongoing strategy: aggrandize self at every possible opportunity, make rich people richer, cozy up to dictators, dismantle every aspect of government that could possibly help the common American, destroy the environment in favor of corporate polluters, and distract attention away from all emerging scandals with a constant outpouring of outrageous accusations and threats against critics.

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One comment on “Trump: There Is Only One Strategy
  1. marcopolo says:


    Whew, that’s quite a rant you’ve got going there !

    Not so as you’d ever listen long enough to stop being outraged, but Trump has steadfastly maintained his strategy and agenda since being elected. Unusually, for American politicians he’s accomplished a good deal of his election promises, and succeed in many of his reforms.

    During his short period as President ISIS has been defeated with a minimum of American lives lost. He’s certainly brought the US coal industry, back to life. He redefined US relations with allies to the point where they pay their share while strengthening the economic and strategic position of minor allies on the front line. He has certainly striven with amazing success to deal with inequities of world trade, and by ending a period of rule by Presidential Fiat, he’s improved US democratic process.

    As for leading the US with integrity, class and dignity, well, I don’t recall that being one of his campaign promises!

    Despite a vitriolic war being waged against him by those who just can’t accept the result of an election, President Trump presides over a booming economy, especially for the working class, unprecedented levels of high employment, successful curtailment and containment of potential foreign enemies, rival economies etc.

    All of this has been accomplished without a single disastrous military adventure.

    As for international stature, well, it’s true no one likes the US more than they did before, but they no longer despise the US as a fool whose pockets are easy to pick.

    The President is winning his carefully managed trade war with China, and his carrot and stick diplomacy has worked with Europe, Russia, and is bearing fruit with North Korea.

    Rant as much as you like, but the US people have heard all the worst about the “scandals” of the Mueller inquiry, and are beginning to wonder why there are no ‘Russians’ involved in Mueller’s ‘Russian’ inquiry.

    Yeah, for a bit Trump’s dalliance with various women 12 years ago, had some tabloid value, but no one cares anymore and even less about his lawyers totally unrelated tax scam involving NYC taxi’s.

    That the problem with the outrage industry, it can only go on for so long before people begin to calm down and take a second look at those still yelling loudly. One of those still yelling is Californian Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat who chaired the Senate Intelligence Committee while having in her employ for over twenty years a Chinese espionage agent !

    The Senator has still to offer a satisfactory explanation, except to refer questions to the former democrat communist CIA director whom she sponsored, and the Deputy Director of the FBI whose wife was receiving FBI assistance in her campaign to become a Democrat politician.

    These sorts of activities are beginning to give credence to President Trump’s allegations of a Witch hunt.

    Why isn’t Mueller interested in the Clinton’s receipt of $500,000 from Putin? What about the democrat campaign fund wrong doing ? Why is something a crime for one side, but not the other?

    Why no investigation into Fusion GPS,Christopher Steele, Clinton’s Ukrainian millions in funding etc ?

    What is Trumps real crime that need all this “investigation” ?

    In the minds of his enemies, Donald Trump’s real crime was getting elected. His continuing crime is fighting back against his enemies.

    The left are not used to a President who gives as good as he gets. The left are used to having a monopoly on calling people unpleasant names and acting like dyspeptic toddlers. President Trump has the temerity to repay them in kind. How dare he!

    I feel sorry for Robert Mueller. Whether by design or simply because he’s caught up in a vortex, his inquiry now looks as if it was simply about about bringing down the President all along.

    In the words of Roger Kimball, President Trump has a right to say :

    “I promised you judges who would interpret the law, not seek to make the law, stronger borders, tax cuts, economic growth, low unemployment, a stronger military, and a more rational, less intrusive regulatory environment. I have delivered on those things as much as Congress would allow me.

    It’s time for these “inquiries” endless law suits and harassment to end. It’s time for everyone to draw a line under the 2016 election and move on with more relevant issues.

    The public are weary of never ending outrage and distractions that only benefit a glowingly desperate and corrupt media.