We Shouldn’t Elevate Economics Above the Biosphere

40071896_2025693980826428_2992741359405760512_nProtecting the biosphere is a great idea.  And if it were possible for us Americans to accomplish this without the slightest impact on our lifestyles as consumers, there’s a chance it would happen.

In fact, it makes no sense for a civilization that cares the least bit about its participants or its descendants to, as Suzuki says, “elevate economics above the biosphere.”  But guess what that implies about us? (Easier to read version below.)40071896_2025693980826428_2992741359405760512_n

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One comment on “We Shouldn’t Elevate Economics Above the Biosphere
  1. marcopolo says:


    David Suzuki never made much sense, as he gets older he makes even less!

    It’s of no value to human beings as a species to have a perfect Bio-sphere, what ever that means, if humans can’t exist within the bio-sphere.

    That’s not “selfish” or “immoral” just a fact!

    Environmentalists should be “selling” the environment as a commodity necessary for human benefit and prosperity. The answer is not “banning” the industrial and agricultural products that create prosperity, but creating alternative or clean(er) technologies.

    It will always be inevitable for the human species to create the bio-sphere to our own design.
    Even the simple act of preventing a species from becoming extinct is “interfering with nature”.

    It’s only with economic prosperity we can produce sufficient surplus to stop cutting down wood for fires etc. The funding needed for environmental progress requires great economic surplus.

    Economics are essential for human happiness and progress, without prosperity, the bio-sphere will suffer first.