Renewable Energy Faces Political Headwind, Makes Progress Nonetheless

30714445_967463526793535_1790430707307249664_nAs suggested here, despite the Trump administration’s vigorous support of fossil fuels, those who predicted that renewable energy would continue to make rapid progress were correct.

The reason is simple: dollars and cents.  There is no power on Earth, regardless of how forceful and malicious, that can make dirty energy succeed over renewables, given the plummeting of the cost of solar and wind.  Moreover, we like jobs, and clean energy is creating a boatload of them.

Americans, at least right this minute, are not generally aggressive environmentalists; in fact, only 42% use that moniker to describe themselves.    Fortunately, it doesn’t matter too much, the point I made in Bullish on Renewable Energy.

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2 comments on “Renewable Energy Faces Political Headwind, Makes Progress Nonetheless
  1. marcopolo says:


    I swear you could start a fight in an empty bar ! 🙂

    China(PRC) is not the eco-friendly place you imagine. In fact. China is building more coal fired power than all other nations put together!

  2. It’s great that renewables are still moving forward, even with Trump trying to stop it with fossil fuels. This is the kind of snowball effect that we need. The more we invest in solar, the more jobs we make, the more people invest. It’s a win-win!