Does Trump Cause Hate and Violence, Or Did Hate and Violence Cause Trump?

CEAs you review the piece below, ask yourself what’s really going on in the country.

I’ve written several times that Trump is the result of the ignorance and hate of a huge portion of the U.S. population.  But ponder this meme.  Was anything like this possible before Trump?



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2 comments on “Does Trump Cause Hate and Violence, Or Did Hate and Violence Cause Trump?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Don’t be silly, of course there have always been loudmouth bigots, racists. bullies, crazies etc.

    The only difference is now they can vent their spleen on social media instead of carrying signs.

    The Anti-Trump crowd are equally offensive and crazy, even more so since so far only Democrat legislators have called for assassination and murder.

    I notice you studiously ignore the actions of a Bernie Saunders campaign worker who decided to shoot several GOP Congressmen playing baseball, also shooting three police officers in his murderous rampage.

    None of this has anything to do with President Trump, the real culprits are sections of the media who have whipped up such a sensationalist climate of hatred and fear.

    Whether you realize it or not, you are also part of the problem. The terms you employ give license to others to extrapolate further until these misanthropes think this behavior is acceptable.

    Where was your outrage when that hero of the left, Peter Fonda advocated “Ripping 11 year old Barron Trump for his mother s arms and have him raped by pedophiles in a cage”

    Not content with that, he also called in an expletive laden tirade for Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen and White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, to have their children removed while they were “stripped naked and publicly whipped, then put in a cage and molested by passerby’s ” !

    In a supreme act of hypocrisy, “Me Too” celebrity advocate Nancy Sinatra, applauded Peter Fonda’s sexist remarks.

    While you remain silent about the misdeeds of your friends, and continue to revile your enemies in the most debasing terms, you are not part of any solution, you’re the problem.

  2. Hate and violence have always been around, but Trump has definitely made things worse. All of Trump’s talk about Muslims being terrorists and all Mexicans being illegals is really stirring things up.